Extending a new entity for nearby entity search
Add a new entity apart from the PGP-provided entities, as a part of nearby entity search, in the Nearby locations component.
For example, the AddressList property contains the addresses of a person. While saving the person details, the PersistEmbeddedPage activity (CL:PegaPS-Data-Entity-Person) runs which has the logic to save AddressList in PegaPS-Data-Address table.
In the navigation panel of Dev Studio, click
.Click the Records tab.
Click Add record to add a new entity with Field Name / Group as
.Save as NearbyCasesList_Ext data transform and set pyClassName to new entity class when pyLabel is new entity.
Save as FetchProximityEntity report definition (CL:PegaPS-Data-Entity-Facility) into New entity class and remove the Name property from columns.
Create a new data page similar to D_FetchFacilityProximity and call the report definition created in the previous step.
To show a different marker pin, on the map, for the new entity, save as SetEntityMarker data transform into the new entity class and set the MarkerImage property with any binary file.
Save as SetNearbyAddressList_Ext activity, and load the data page created in step 7.
Save as SetNearbyCasesEntitesResult_Ext data transform and append data page results to NearbyCasesEntities property.
Show new entity as one of the type in nearby cases and entities
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