Registering rules in the regulatory stack
The regulatory stack is the registry of all the rulesets in your application that contain KYC types and all the rules that constitute the KYC types, or example, applicability conditions of the KYC type or the on-change data transforms.
The rulesets listed in this registry are monitored by the SPU engine for the addition or deletion of ruleset versions. When a change is detected, a policy update is triggered. Similarly, the addition or deletion of rulesets in the registry is treated as a policy change and thus is considered for a policy update.
- In the header of Dev Studio, search text field and enter PegaKYC-Data-RegulatoryStack.KYCRegulatoryRulesetsRegistry and select the dynamic system setting.
- Create an application-specific version of the data transform if you have not already created one.
- Register the new ruleset in the data transform.
- In the RegulatoryRulesets page list, add the pyRuleSetName property for each regulatory ruleset.
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