User feedback and ratings
This section describes the user feedback and ratings features available in Pega Knowledge.
Rating articles
The Pega Knowledge rating system allows users to rate content by selecting a simple thumbs-up or thumbs-down icon. Your knowledge team has direct access to related reports and charts to constantly monitor the overall health and perceived value of your knowledgebase, allowing you to take action where under-rated articles need help.
User feedback
CSRs can send written feedback on content to authors to continuously improve content value and usage. Feedback is routed to a “Knowledge Content – Suggestions” workbasket where an author can review the feedback, see where or what context the article was viewed, such as within a service request or search result. Authors can disposition the feedback as Accepted or Rejected and have out-of-the-box reporting for trend analysis of article feedback.
Suggest content
Content suggestions are routed to a “Knowledge Content – Suggestions” workbasket for review and action by a KM author. Privileged Pega Customer Service users can quickly create draft content candidates, allowing the enterprise to harvest more “tribal knowledge” from their contact center experts.
Pega Customer Service provides two suggested content options:
- Customer Service representative role (CSRs) are presented with a simple text box to quickly enter a draft article or article idea.
- Customer Service manager roles are presented with a rich text editor and additional fields to populate such as article title, abstract, and the ability to select the recommended taxonomy category.
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