Installing Pega Next-Best-Action Advisor
Pega Next-Best-Action Advisor is part of the Pega Customer Relationship Management (CRM) suite. It is automatically installed as part of Pega CRM. Regardless of which deployment method you plan to use, Pega Customer Service or the Pega CRM suite must be installed.
If you want to implement Pega Next-Best-Action Advisor as part of an existing Pega Customer Service application, ensure that Pega Customer Service is upgraded to version 8.6 before you proceed. For more information, see the Pega Customer Service Upgrade Guide on the Pega Customer Service product page.
If you want to implement Pega Next-Best-Action Advisor as a standalone application or embed it in your third-party customer service application as a Pega Web Mashup gadget, follow the instructions in the Pega Customer Service Installation Guide on the Pega Customer Service product page.
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