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Sample data in Pega Pharmacovigilance

Updated on July 14, 2017

Pega Pharmacovigilance includes database tables that provide sample data. You can use sample data to test the application before you define your database records that are required to successfully implement the application.

The following database tables include sample data and are mapped to PegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int- classes:

Database tableMapped classDescription
LS-SUBJECTMASTERPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-SubjectInformation about the subject
LS_ADDRESSPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-AddressSubject's address
LS_DEATHINFOPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-DeathInformation about subject's death, for example, date
LS_DEATHCAUSESPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-DeathCauseList of causes of subject's death
LS_DEATHCAUSEAUTOPSYPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-DeathCauseAutopsyDetails of subject's autopsy
LS_MEDHISTORYPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-MedHistorySubject's medical history
LS_PASTDRUGHISTORYPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-PastDrugHistSubject's drug intake history
LS_PARENTMASTERPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-ParentMasterInformation about subject's parents
LS_PARENTMEDHISTORYPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-ParentMedHistorySubject's parents' medical history
LS_PARENTPASTDRUGHISTORYPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-ParentPastDrugHistorySubject's parents' drug intake history
LS_REPORTERPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-ReporterInformation about the reporter
LS_REPORTERADDRESSPegaLS-FW-AECPFW-Int-ReporterAddressReporter's address

The following data pages apply to object types that are sourced from the database tables:

Data pageObject type
  • Previous topic Pega-provided operators in Pega Pharmacovigilance
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