Updating products
During the product update, you select products to apply one of these target
actions: update, replicate an existing, or create a new version of an existing product. When you update a product, the product receives merged information from the existing product and the parent product template. This data includes metadata, benefit categories, coverage ranges, and coverage values. Replicating an existing product involves creating a new product that you copy from an
existing product. After the replication, the replicated product is no longer connected
to the existing product. The system automatically increments the version of the new product as either a major or
minor version based on whether you changed the effective and end dates. Select the target actions for your products that you are updating. Your selection of the target action for a product determines your review. On the Review created products page, you can review all the
information that is related to your target entity. Note any information that you want to
add or modify and any items that you need to reconcile. You can make these changes in
Configuring products in this section. For updates to products, you can click the link for the target entity and review
existing product metadata, cost shares, networks, benefits, and benefit categories for
the updated versions. When you update a product, the new product receives merged
information from both the parent product and the product template. In this case, you see
the merged information. Withdraw is now an
available action. During
product configuration, you can make changes in any of the
three tabs of metadata, benefit categories, and coverages
information. For more information, see Configuring
products in this section. The second review screen
is displayed. Example: The following list
shows items that you might need to reconcile. You can
reconcile these items on the Configure
Coverages page: During product configuration, you can configure metadata, benefit categories, and
coverages. You might perform one or more of these tasks in any order or you might not
perform any of them. Define the product metadata batch by adding the products to the batch and then
selecting the metadata options that you are changing. If
you make a market segment change that applies to all 10 products, for
example, a change from Large group market segment to
Medium group market segment, define a product
metadata batch, select all the products, and then remove the
Large group market segment. Then define another
product metadata batch, select the same products, and add the
Medium group market segment. These changes apply
to all 10 products. Some fields where you can select multiple
options, for example Coverage level, have the
following options: Append - The value that you
select is added to the existing values Replace
- The value that you select replaces the existing
value Remove - The value that you select is
removed Other fields where you can select only one option, for example
Product line, have the actions
Replace or No change.
No change means that the existing value remains.
The Exchange level field shows the actions of
No change, Replace, or
Remove. Define the benefit category batch by adding the products to the batch and then defining
the benefit categories and adding benefits. If you change the benefit category within the Smart Update feature,
Smart Update updates only the existing benefit categories that come from the existing or
the new product, per your configuration in the batches. Define the coverage batch by selecting the entity to which you want to update
coverage. Then select the products and networks to which the updated coverage will apply. You also configure product coverage if you want to change the
deductibles and out-of-pocket values at the network level for your
products. No Change - The
entity has the inherited values and the values do not change.
Restore inheritance - The coverage value
follows normal inheritance rules. Update coverage
- The value that you enter overwrites the value on the product.
You can also copy values of one network to another network on
this page. You can review the updated products by clicking on the items under the
Products and Configuration
tabs. Modify some values, for example, for a product or network, or fix some errors that
you noted when you reviewed the products. You might have all products
approved before you start using Smart Update for plans. If
you found errors in the product and plan, and then fixed them, you
might begin updates to the plan. Your selection of the target action for a product determines your review. On the Review created products page, you can review all the
information that is related to your target entity. Note any information that you want to
add or modify and any items that you need to reconcile. You can make these changes in
Configuring products in this section. For updates to products, you can click the link for the target entity and review
existing product metadata, cost shares, networks, benefits, and benefit categories for
the updated versions. When you update a product, the new product receives merged
information from both the parent product and the product template. In this case, you see
the merged information. Withdraw is now an
available action. During
product configuration, you can make changes in any of the
three tabs of metadata, benefit categories, and coverages
information. For more information, see Configuring
products in this section. The second review screen
is displayed. Example: The following list
shows items that you might need to reconcile. You can
reconcile these items on the Configure
Coverages page: If the target is plan,
then the source is product. If the target is product, the source
is product template. If the target is plan, then union data is
present for the plan, but not for the product. If the target is
plan, then the source is product. If the target is product, the
source is product template. If the target is plan, then
union data is present for the plan, but not for the product.
Use this data transform rule to synchronize the product metadata
with that of the product template. Use this page information for the synchronization. PTPage refers to the product template that
is used in the smart update of the product. pyDisplayHarness refers to the product
page. Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this page information for the
synchronization. PTPage refers to
the product that was used in the smart update of the
plan. PlanData refers to the Plan
page. BenCatBatchList is the
page that holds the benefit categories. Use the
same wrapper for all levels of union data, for example, benefit
or network. The following includes the parameters and
page information: Use the
ParentRef parameter page to refer to
the parent node. If the cost share can be inherited from
the parent, then use the ParentRef page as
the source to populate Inheritanceparent,
if the cost share is not already overridden at that
level. The
OrgProductRef parameter page refers to
the corresponding product. On the
OrgProductRef page, check for the
inheritance flag of the extended properties. Based on the
property that was set, the corresponding inheritance legends are
updated on the tree. All the initialized pages will be
in the ProductData page. Use this data transform rule to extend network, benefit, grouper,
or benefit within a grouper by initializing the coverage page so
that the initialized coverages display on the page. This initialized page, will be available on the
TargetNetworkList page. For example, if you want to extend the
Costshares pagelist, then add cost
shares (9) directly to the Costshares
pagelist of the TargetNetworkList. Use this data transform rule to extend plan level coverages by
initializing the coverage page so that it displays on the page
(just for the plan section). All the initialized pages will be in the
ProductPlanData page. Use this data transform rule to extend network, benefit, grouper,
or benefit within grouper-level coverages by initializing the
coverage page so that the initialized coverages display on the
page. This initialized page, will be available on the
TargetNetworkList page. For example, if you want to extend the
Costshares pagelist, then add cost
shares (9) directly to the Costshares
pagelist of the TargetNetworkList. Selecting products and target actions
Reviewing the selected products
No Warning icons are displayed next to your
product Click Submit. A Warning icon is displayed next to the
product with information for your configuration Hover over the icon, note the information, and then click
Submit. A Warning icon is displayed next to your
product with an error message A Warning icon appears in the
Manual review column of the item because you
have items that have conflicts due to the merged data of the product and
product template Configuring products
Configuring product metadata
Configuring product benefit categories
Configuring coverages for your products
Reviewing updated products
Reconfiguring products
Sending the product updates for approval
Reviewing the selected products
No Warning icons are displayed next to your
product Click Submit. A Warning icon is displayed next to the
product with information for your configuration Hover over the icon, note the information, and then click
Submit. A Warning icon is displayed next to your
product with an error message A Warning icon appears in the
Manual review column of the item because you
have items that have conflicts due to the merged data of the product and
product template Product extension rules
Rule name Class Description ValidateSUProductAliasName Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transform rule to validate the
AliasName of product if the alias name is
already in system, for example if you want to restrict alias names
across versions. ValidateAndPopulateSUProductVersion Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transform rule to extend the out-of-the-box
versioning feature. SyncPRDMetadataWithPTExt Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transform rule to copy the implementation-layer
metadata attributes from the product template to the
product. ValidatePRDMetadataAfterSyncEx Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transform rule to validate the implementation-layer
metadata attributes that you copied from the product template to the
product. ConfigureProductsPostExt PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-SmartUpdate Use this data transform rule to extend validations for changes to
the product metadata, coverage, and benefit categories. UpdateProductMetadataEXT Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transform rule to save the implementation-level
metadata attributes that you added to all the products in the
metadata batch. InitializeCoveragePagesExt Rule-HC-PCS-UnionData Use this data transform rule to initialize any
implementation-level coverage attributes in the union data
class. ConfigureCoveragesWrapperExt Rule-HC-PCS- Use this data transform rule to save the implementation-level
coverage attributes that you added to all the products in the
coverage batch. UpdateBaseProductWithCloneProduct_EXT
Rule-HC-PCS-Product When your target action is Update existing
version, use this data transform rule to save the values (any
implementation-layer properties) on the actual or base
product. SyncPlnMetadataWithPrdExt PegaPCS-Data-Plan If you changed product metadata, use this data transform rule to
synchronize the metadata from the product to the plan. For example,
previously, the product property was
Individual and now you extend it to
Individual and
Commercial. SetvaluesonPRDnodeUnionDataandBSTEXT Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transform rule to synchronize coverages for the
display on the product cost shares pages. SetvalueswhenPRDandPThascoverageEXT Rule-HC-PCS-Network Use this data transform rule to synchronize coverages or
variations at the network-level union data when the source and
target both have union data. If the target is plan, then the source
is product. If the target is product, then the source is product
template. SetvalueswhenonlyPRDhascoverageExt Rule-HC-PCS-Network Use this data transform rule to synchronize coverages or
variations at the network-level union data when only the target has
union data. If the target is plan, then the union data is present
for the plan, but not for the product. SetvalueswhenPRDandPThascoverageforBenorGrpEXT Rule-HC-PCS- Use this data transform rule to synchronize coverages or
variations at the benefit- or grouper-level union data when the
source and target both have union data. SetvalueswhenonlyPRDhascoverageEXT Rule-HC-PCS- Use this data transform rule to synchronize coverages or
variations at the benefit- or grouper-level union data when only the
target has union data. SetvalueswhenPRDandPThascoverageforGrpBenEXT Rule-HC-PCS-Benefit Use this data transform rule to synchronize coverages or
variations at the union data level of the benefit within the grouper
when the source and target both have union data. SetvalueswhenonlyPRDhascoverageGrpBenEXT Rule-HC-PCS-Benefit Use this data transform rule to synchronize coverages or
variations at the union data level of the benefit within the grouper
when only the target has union data. SyncPRDMetadataWithPTExt Rule-HC-PCS-Product ValidatePRDMetadataAfterSyncExt Use this data transform rule to add validation to the metadata
properties after the product is synchronized. SyncPlnMetadataWithPrdExt PegaPCS-Data-Plan Use this data transform rule to synchronize the plan metadata
with that of the product. ValidatePlanMetadataAfterSyncExt PegaPCS-Data-Plan Use this data transform rule to add validation to the metadata
after the plan is synchronized. ValidateInvalidBenefitCategoryContentExt PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-SmartUpdate Use this data transform rule to add any validations to the
benefit category. SmartUpdateProductLevelCostsharesExtension Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this section rule to display any implementation-layer
properties that were extended or initialized. SUExtForNWCoverages Rule-HC-PCS-Network Use this section rule to extend any coverage configuration in
networks for both products and plans. SUExtRuleForBenOrGrpCoverage Rule-HC-PCS- Use this section rule to extend any coverage configuration in the
benefit, grouper, or benefit within grouper for both products and
plans. SmartUpdatePlanLevelCostsharesExtension Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this section rule to display any implementation-layer
properties that were extended or initialized. ConfigureCoveragesWrapperExt Rule-HC-PCS- Use this data transform rule to save additional
implementation-layer properties of coverages, variations, or
additional details of the union data in products or plans. UpdateInheritanceForUnionData_EXT Rule-HC-PCS- Use this data transform rule to check if the cost share is
overridden. If it is overridden, then set the
InheritanceParentLegend for that cost share
to Param.ParentLegend SetInheritanceParentsInProductSmartUpdate_EXT Rule-HC-PCS- Use this data transform rule to identify and set the inheritance
based on the product configuration. SetInheritanceParentsInPlanSmartUpdate_EXT Rule-HC-PCS- Use this data transform rule to identify and set the inheritance
based on the plan and product configuration. SUCoverageExtForProduct Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transform rule to extend the product-level
coverages by initializing the coverage page so that the initialized
coverages display on the page. SUCoverageEXTForNWBenGrpBenInGrp Rule-HC-PCS-Network SmartUpdatePlanCoverageExtension Rule-HC-PCS-Product SUPlanCoverageEXTForNWBenGrpBenInGrp Rule-HC-PCS-Network
Previous topic Updating product templates Next topic Updating plans