Before you begin, ensure that you complete the required items.
Steps for each of these prerequisites are described in the sections that follow.
- Ensure that the default encoding of the application server is UTF-8, which is required for proper SBC PDF document generation.
- Have the administrator enable the SBC configuration
- Add the Document management portal name to your access group
- Initialize the company name and logo
- Upload a file containing your company logo
- Optional: Change the binary rule for two default company logos
- Add the document approval privilege to the role in your access group
- Enable the deletion option for a generated SBC document from products and plans
- Delegate rules for modification of SBC configuration settings
- Modify the settings for SBC
- Optional: View delegated rules for reference
Steps for the following two prerequisites are described in the referenced sections.
- Ensure that you have created the products from which you generate the SBC. To create a product, see Configuring a product.
- Ensure that you have created the plans from which you want to generate the SBC. To create a plan, see Configuring a plan.
Enabling SBC operation
Enable the SBC operation on the configuration page. Only administrators can set the parameter for enabling or disabling the creation of the SBC templates and documents.
If you do not enable SBC operation:
- Steps 6 (Select SBC data) and 7 (Edit SBC document) are not available in the product and plan wizards.
- You can review the SBC data, but you are not able to update it.
- If you are copying a template, creating a new version of a template, or creating a plan from a product, the SBC data is copied to the new entity.
Adding the Document management portal name to your access group
Unless you installed Pega Product Composer for Healthcare for the first time, you need to add the new Document Management portal that was introduced in this release to all applicable access groups so that they can perform the tasks that are related to the SBC template.
To add the new portal to existing access groups |
For access to the new portal for new access groups |
Initializing your company name or logo
In the Plan overview tab of the SBC document, you can choose to display your company name or company logo. You need to modify the InitializeCompanyDetailsEXT data transform.
- In the Dev Studio search box, enter InitializeCompanyDetailsEXT, and then press Enter.
- Click the Data Transform rule.
- Save the InitializeCompanyDetailsEXT data transform in your application ruleset.
- Based on whether you want to display the company name or the logo, perform
these steps:
- Set .DisplayCompanyName to either true or false (default value false).
- Set .DisplayCompanyLogo to either true or false (default value true).
If you set .DisplayCompanyName to true, enter your company name in the .CompanyName target field. If you set .DisplayCompanyLogo to true, upload your logo. For more information, see Uploading and displaying your company logo, described in this section. - Check in the rule, and then click Save.
Uploading and displaying your company logo
If you choose to display your company logo and not your company name, you need to upload the logo.
- In the Dev Studio search box, enter SBCDefaultCompanyLogo, and then press Enter.
- Click the Binary File rule.
- Save the binary file rule in the appropriate ruleset of your implementation application.
- In the binary file rule that you just saved, click Upload file.
- Choose an image from the local file system, upload it, and save it to your
implementation layer. The logo displays in the Plan overview tab of the SBC template. It is the default logo for all templates.
- To make the changes effective for the current operator, in the web browser, clear the cache.
Optional: Changing the binary rule for two default company logos
You can upload a different logo if you do not want to always use the default logo. For example, an organization might have two legal entities. One handles the PPO and the other handles the HMO. The PPO entity might use the default logo for their templates, but the HMO entity might want to use a different default logo.
- In the Dev Studio search box, enter InitializeCompanyDetailsEXT, and then press Enter.
- Click the Data Transform rule.
- Save the InitializeCompanyDetailsEXT data transform in your application ruleset.
- Set the values for the following properties:
- CompanyLogoPath (Default value: webwb/SBCDefaultCompanyLogo.png
- DefaultCompanyLogoApp (Default value: webwb)
- DefaultCompanyLogoFileName (Default value: SBCDefaultCompanyLogo)
- DefaultCompanyLogoFileType (Default value: png)
- Click Save.
Adding the approval privilege to the role in your access group
Unless you are installing Pega Product Composer for Healthcare for the first time, you need to add the new ApproveDocTemplate privilege that was introduced in this release to all applicable access groups who need to approve SBC templates.
Create a new role or update any of the existing applicable access role to include the ApproveDocTemplate privilege. You can do one of the following:
- Create a new role - create a new role and add the dependency to the out-of-the-box HC_USA_Product_Composer:DocTemplateApproval access role.
- Update an existing access role - open the applicable access role and add the ApproveDocTemplate privilege.
- In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click .
- On the Access groups page, search for your access groups.
- For each existing access group for which the document approval is applicable:
- Click the name of the access group.
- On the Edit Access Group page, in the Available roles section, click the Add role link.
- From the auto-complete list, click and select the access role that has been designated for SBC template approval.
- Click Save.
- Repeat these steps for each access group.
Enabling the deletion option for a generated SBC document from products and plans
Unless you are installing Pega Product Composer for Healthcare for the first time, you need to add the new DeleteAnySBCDocument privilege that was introduced in this release to all applicable access groups so that they can delete an SBC PDF document from a product or plan.
You can create a new role or update any of the existing applicable access role to include the DeleteAnySBCDocument privilege. You can do one of the following:
- Create a new role
- Create a new role and add the dependency to the out-of-the-box HC_USA_Product_Composer:DeleteAnySBCDocument access role.
- Update an existing access role
- Open the applicable access role and add the DeleteAnySBCDocument privilege.
- In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click .
- On the Access groups page, search for your access groups.
- For each existing access group for which the document deletion is applicable:
- Click the name of the access group.
- On the Edit Access Group page, in the Available roles section, click the Add role link.
- From the auto-complete list, click and select the access role that has been designated for deleting an SBC document from the product or plan.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each access group.
Previous topic Summary of Benefits and Coverage template Next topic Configuration settings for the SBC template