Updating plans
From the Review updated products page, click
Continue to plans. Search for the plans that you want to
update. You might update the plans that were based on the products that you updated in
the Product update section. From the search results, select the
plans that you are updating. Just as in the product updates, you can select one of the following target actions and
apply it to the plans that you are updating: Replicating an existing plan means that you are
creating a new plan that you copied from an existing plan. After the
replication, the replicated plan is no longer connected to the existing
plan. Changes that you made in the products are inherited by the plan, except for any value
that is overridden in the plan. Then the plan does not inherit the product change. This
process follows the current Pega Product Composer for Healthcare inheritance pattern.
Determine which target actions you are applying to your selected plans. For example,
you might create a new version for the plans. For example, you can
search for plans by the product name. If your target action is Create new version, you can
keep the same name for the entity but you must change the effective dates.
If your target action is Replicate or
Update current version, you must give the entity
a new name even if the effective dates are different. On the Review created plans page, you can review all the
information that is related to your target entity. Note any information that you want to add
or modify and any items that you need to reconcile. You can make these changes in
Configuring plans in this section. Sometimes, Smart Update cannot reconcile the two sources of information because of a
conflict or missing information. In that case, you must manually review and
reconcile the items. For more information, see Troubleshooting. If you have items that have conflicts because of the merged data of the product and
product template, a Warning icon appears in the
Manual review column of the item. Follow these steps: During configuration, you might perform one or more of these tasks in any order or
you might not perform any of the tasks: configure metadata, configure benefit categories,
and configure coverages. Define the plan metadata batch by adding the plans to the batch and then selecting
the metadata options that you are changing. For example, you might want to add a
new coverage level, such as Employee + Children, to
some plans. Another example is if you make a market segment change that
applies to your 10 selected plans, for example, a change from
Large Group to Small
Group, you define a plan metadata batch, select all the plans,
and remove the Large Group market segment. Then
define another plan metadata batch, select the same plans, and add
the Small Group market segment. These changes
apply to all 10 plans. Some fields that where you can select multiple
options, for example Coverage level, have the actions
of Append, Remove, and
Replace. Append -
The value that you select is added to the existing
values Replace - The value that you select
replaces the existing value Remove - The value
that you select is removed Define the benefit category batch by adding the plans to the batch and then defining
the benefit categories and adding benefits. Define the coverage batch by adding the plans to the batch and then defining the
changes. You might want to change the deductibles and out-of-pocket values at the network
level for your plans. Clicking the Copy to other networks button allows
you to copy a coverage to another network. If a variation already exists
with the same name, an error message is displayed. If your plans have errors, they are displayed on the Review
errors page. You can perform a review on the updated plans, for example, if you need to modify
some values for a product or network or fix some errors. Selecting Approve and promote approves the entity and moves it to the next
stage. Selecting Approve and hold approves the entity but does not the
change the stage of the entity. If an entity is approved and promoted it
will appear in the Approved entities search results with stage it was
approved in and the status of completed (e.g., Dev-completed stage-status)
and Pending entities search results with the next stage and the status of
initiation (e.g., Impl-initiation stage-status. If the target is plan, then the source is
product. If the target is product, then the source is product
template. Use this page information for the
synchronization. PTPage refers to the
product that was used in the smart update of the
plan. PlanData refers to the plan
page. BenCatBatchList is the page that holds
the benefit categories. InSmartUpdate_EXT This page will be the
TargetNetworkList page.Selecting plans and target actions
Select plans following your product updates Start Smart Update with plans Reviewing selected plans
No Warning icons displayed next to your plan Click Submit. A Warning icon is displayed next to the plan with information for
your configuration Hover over the icon, note the information, and then click
Submit. A Warning icon is displayed next to the plan with an error
message Configuring plans
Configuring plan metadata
Configuring plan benefit categories
Configuring plan coverages
Choices Actions Add a variation to an entity Click Add. Replace a variation
The selection of the effective date is optional.Remove a variation
The selection of the effective date is optional.Reviewing errors
Reviewing updated plans
Sending the plan updates for approval
Plan extension rules
Rule name Class Description ValidateSUPlanAliasName PegaPCS-Data-Plan Use this data transform rule to validate the
AliasName for a plan. You need to have
extended the rule, for example, if you want to restrict alias name
across versions. ValidateAndPopulateSUPlanVersion PegaPCS-Data-Plan Use this data transform rule to extend the out-of-the-box versioning
feature for a plan. SetvaluesonPlannodeUnionDataandBstEXT Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transform rule to synchronize coverages for the display
on the plan cost shares pages. SetvalueswhenPRDandPThascoverageEXT Rule-HC-PCS-Network Use this data transform rule to synchronize coverages or variations
at the network level union data when the source and target both have
union data. If the target is plan, then the source is product. If the
target is product, then the source is product template. SetvalueswhenPRDandPThascoverageforBenorGrpEXT Rule-HC-PCS- Use this data transform rule to synchronize coverages or variations
at the benefit- or grouper-level union data when the source and target
both have union data. SyncPlnMetadataWithPrdExt PegaPCS-Data-Plan Use this data transform rule to synchronize the plan metadata with
that of the product. ValidatePlanMetadataAfterSyncExt PegaPCS-Data-Plan Use this data transform rule to add validation to the metadata after
the plan is synchronized. ValidateInvalidBenefitCategoryContentExt PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-SmartUpdate Use this data transform rule to add any validations to the benefit
category. SetProductInheritanceFlagsForPlan Rule-HC-PCS- If the HasActualOrgPRDRef parameter is true, use
this data transform rule (this is only for plan) to copy the inheritance
flags from the ActualOrgPRDPageRef product page to
the Primary plan page. SmartUpdatePlanCoverageExtension Rule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transform rule to extend plan level coverages by
initializing the coverage page so that it displays on the page. All the
initialized pages will be in the ProductPlanData
page. SUPlanCoverageEXTForNWBenGrpBenInGrp Rule-HC-PCS-Network Use this data transform rule to extend network, benefit, grouper, or
benefit within grouper-level coverages by initializing the coverage page
so that it displays on the page.
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