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Migrating Pega Product Composer for Healthcare entities from 7.13 to 7.21

Updated on September 10, 2021

To upgrade from Pega Product Composer for Healthcare 7.13 to 7.21, you run an upgrade utility as specified in the Pega Product Composer for Healthcare Upgrade Guide 7.13 found on the Pega Product Composer for Healthcare product page.

If you encounter issues, refer to these details about the upgrade utility and the activities that are involved in the upgrade.


Before you upgrade the application, make sure that you follow these guidelines.

  • In your Pega Product Composer for Healthcare application, make sure that all entities have a Pending-approval status and are saved in the database. Search for the entities that are not saved in the database. Run the flows and save them.
  • Because all parameters that are related to this upgrade have been initialized in the PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work IntializeUpgradeParameters data transform rule, you need to modify the initialized values for any custom status or stages.

Running the upgrade utility

The upgrade utility consists of several activities that modify the characteristics of the migrated Pega Product Composer for Healthcare objects to the 7.21 stage-based environment so that the objects can operate seamlessly in the 7.21 environment.

  1. In Designer Studio, search for the UpgradeWrapperFor713-721 activity in the PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work class.
  2. Click to open the Run Activity: UpgradeWrapperFor713-721 page.
  3. Determine the mode in which you are running the utility:
    1. To run the utility in batch mode, select the BatchProcessing check box.
      The utility runs asynchronously in a child requestor as a batch process and logs execution pattern and errors. All instances of all the entities are upgraded, based on a predefined order.
    2. To run the utility in interactive mode, clear the BatchProcessing check box.
  4. To change the default number of instances that you can upgrade for an entity, in the MaxRecordstoProcess field, enter a value. You can modify this number to a maximum of 10,000.
  5. If you are running the upgrade utility in batch mode, check the box for the entity that you are upgrading and click Run. Perform this step for each entity that you upgrade.
  6. If you are running the upgrade utility in interactive mode, upgrade the entities by using the sequence that is shown in this table. Upgrade all instances of all the prerequisite entities for a given entity before upgrading the entity. Failure to follow this order can cause inconsistent system behavior.

For example, before you upgrade a benefit set, you must successfully upgrade all the benefits, groupers, and networks entities. Similarly, before you upgrade a grouper, you must first successfully upgrade all the benefits in the system.

 BenefitGrouperNetworkBenefit setPolicy termPolicyProduct templateProductPlanPlan bundle
Benefit setYYY       
Policy termY         
PolicyY   Y     
Product templateYYYYYY    
Plan bundleYYYYYYYYY 

You can view all the information, including successful instances and errors encountered in the log. Should you experience any failures, refer to the table of activities in the next section.

Pega Product Composer for Healthcare utility activities

The Pega Product Composer for Healthcare upgrade utility uses a set of activities where each activity is designed for a specific purpose. The details of each activity are described in the following table. You might want to refer to these activities when you have failures during the upgrade. Based on the failure information, you can modify some of these activities to correct the failures.

Serial numberActivity and description
1Class: PEGAPCS-HC-USA-WORK Activity: UpgradeWrapperFor713-721
 Starting activity of the Upgrade Utility. It facilitates executing the utility as ‘Batch’ or ‘Interactive’ mode and displays confirmation for batch execution
2Class: PEGAPCS-HC-USA-WORK Activity: UpgradeEntitiesWrapper
 Main activity that loops through each selected entity and display interactive mode execution summary
 Prepare a List of user selected entities
 Loop through each entity in the prepared list
 Get the list of work instances for entity on focus
 Call UpgradeInstance activity on each work instance in the list
 Prepare and show summary information for interactive mode execution
3Class: PEGAPCS-HC-USA-WORK Activity: UpgradeInstance
 Activity which initiates the upgrade of an instance including work object and rule object
 Open the given Workinstance
 Call the UpgradeRejectionInstance activity when Workinstance has a Resolved-Rejected status
 Call the UpgradeRetirementInstance activity when Workinstance has a Resolved-Available status and has Retired=True
 For Workinstance which is not qualified for above activities, continue execution by removing assignments, Commit
 Change stage and set status to desired values accordingly as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and
accessible using D_UpgradeParameters
 Call UpgradeWorkItem activity
 Move to Manager\Approver - Action by triggering Stage-Approved ticket of respective Workinstance flow
 Save and commit Workinstance
 Add history on successful upgrade
 Call CaptureUpgradeLogs activity for both success and failure upgrade instances
 Handle failures and rollback changes
 Entity level overloaded activity which upgrades the work-object and initiates the upgrade of rule-object
 Remove unwanted properties
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to benefit Workinstance and Workinstance.Benefit
 For rejected instance, get status for Ruleinstance as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using
 Call the UpgradeRuleInstance activity
 Update Workinstance with successfully upgraded Ruleinstance
 Entity level overloaded activity which upgrades the work-object and initiates the upgrade of rule-object
 Remove unwanted properties
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to grouper Workinstance, Workinstance.Grouper
 For rejected instance, get status for Ruleinstance as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using
 Call UpgradeRuleInstance activity
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to grouper Ruleinstance.Benefits
 Update Workinstance with successfully upgraded Ruleinstance
 Entity-level, overloaded activity which upgrades the work-object and initiates the upgrade of rule-object
 Remove unwanted properties
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to network Workinstance, Workinstance.Grouper
 For rejected instance, get status for Ruleinstance as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using
 Call UpgradeRuleInstance activity
 Update Workinstance with successfully upgraded Ruleinstance
 Entity-level, overloaded activity which upgrades the work-object and initiates the upgrade of rule-object
 Remove unwanted properties
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to benefit set Workinstance, WorkInstance.BenefitSet,
 For rejected instance, get status for Ruleinstance as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using
 Call the UpgradeRuleInstance activity
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to benefit set Ruleinstance.Benefits, Ruleinstance.Groupers, Ruleinstance.ChildItem, Ruleinstance.ChildItem.ChildItem and Ruleinstance.ChildItem.ChildItem.ChildItem
 Save Ruleinstance
 Update Workinstance with successfully upgraded Ruleinstance
4.5Class: PEGAPCS-HC-USA-WORK-ACCELERATOR-TERM Activity: UpgradeWorkItem
 Entity-level, overloaded activity which upgrades the work-object and initiates the upgrade of rule-object
 Remove unwanted properties
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to term Workinstance and Workinstance.Term
 For rejected instance, get status for Ruleinstance as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using
 Call UpgradeRuleInstance activity
 Update Workinstance with successfully upgraded Ruleinstance
 Entity-level, overloaded activity which upgrades the work-object and initiates the upgrade of rule-object
 Remove unwanted properties
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to policy Workinstance and Workinstance.PolicyPage
 For rejected instance, get status for Ruleinstance as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using
 Call the UpgradeRuleInstance activity
 Update Workinstance with successfully upgraded Ruleinstance
 Entity-level, overloaded activity which upgrades the work-object and initiates the upgrade of rule object
 Remove unwanted properties
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to product template Workinstance and WorkInstance.Product
 Set COB values on Workinstance
 For rejected instance, get status for Ruleinstance as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using D_UpgradeParameters
 Call the UpgradeRuleInstance activity
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to product template Ruleinstance.AddedBenefitSet. Also in AddedBenefitSet, set PtBSAliasName and CreatedFrom to VersionIdentity
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.AddedBenefitSet
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to product template Ruleinstance.CarveoutNetworks.Benefits
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.CarveoutNetworks
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to product template Ruleinstance.BenefitTree.Node and Ruleinstance.BenefitTree.Node.Node
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.BenefitTree
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to product template Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem (PT), Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem.ChildItem (NET), Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem.ChildItem.ChildItem (BEN\GRP) and Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem.ChildItem.ChildItem.ChildItem (BEN in GRP) by calling
BenefitSetTreeUpgrade and BenefitSetTreeUpgradeForNetwork activities
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.Product
 Save Ruleinstance
 Entity-level, overloaded activity which upgrades the work-object and initiates the upgrade of rule object
 Remove unwanted properties
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to product Workinstance and WorkInstance.Product
 Set the COB values on Workinstance
 For rejected instance, get status for Ruleinstance as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using
 Call the UpgradeRuleInstance activity
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to product Ruleinstance.AddedBenefitSet. Also in
AddedBenefitSet, set PtBSAliasName to VersionIdentity
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.AddedBenefitSet
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to product Ruleinstance.CarveoutNetworks.Benefits
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.CarveoutNetworks
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to product Ruleinstance.BenefitTree.Node and
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.BenefitTree
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to product Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem (PRD), Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem.ChildItem (NET), Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem.ChildItem.ChildItem (BEN\GRP) and Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem.ChildItem.ChildItem.ChildItem (BEN in GRP) by calling
BenefitSetTreeUpgrade activity
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.Product
 Set the product Ruleinstance.CreatedFrom to Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem(1).VersionIdentity
 Save Ruleinstance
 Entity-level, overloaded activity which upgrades the work object and initiates the upgrade of rule object
 Remove unwanted properties
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to plan Workinstance, WorkInstance.Plan and WorkInstance.Product
 Set the COB values on WorkInstance.Product
 For a rejected instance, get status for Ruleinstance as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible
using D_UpgradeParameters
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to plan WorkInstance.BenefitTree.Node and
 Call the UpgradeRuleInstance activity
 Set properties relevant to stage-based processing to plan Ruleinstance.Product.AddedBenefitSet.
 Set plan Ruleinstance SelectedProduct and SelectedCustomer updated with version
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.Product.AddedBenefitSet
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to plan Ruleinstance.Product.CarveoutNetworks.Benefits
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.Product.CarveoutNetworks
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to plan Ruleinstance.BenefitTree.Node and
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.BenefitTree
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to plan Ruleinstance.Product.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem (PLN), Ruleinstance.Product.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem.ChildItem (NET), Ruleinstance.Product.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem.ChildItem.ChildItem (BEN\GRP) and Ruleinstance.Product.BenefitSetTree.ChildItem.ChildItem.ChildItem.ChildItem (BEN in GRP) by calling
BenefitSetTreeUpgrade and Call BenefitSetTreeUpgradeForNetwork activities
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.BenefitSetTree
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to plan Ruleinstance.Product
 Update Workinstance with Ruleinstance.Product
 Save Ruleinstance
 Entity-level, overloaded activity which upgrades the work object and initiates the upgrade of rule object
 Remove unwanted properties
 For a rejected instance, get status for Ruleinstance as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible
using D_UpgradeParameters
 Open a plan bundle data instance using Workinstance.Bundle reference
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to plan bundle
 Set the plan names to plan bundle data instance
 Update Workinstance.Bundle with updated plan bundle
 Save the plan bundle instance
5.1Class: RULE-HC-PCS- Activity: UpgradeRuleInstance
 Activity that upgrades the rule instance
 Open the Ruleinstance conditionally for BEN and other entities
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to Ruleinstance
 Set the ruleset properties and DisplayDate
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to Ruleinstance.ChildItem
 Save Ruleinstance
5.2Class: RULE-HC-TERM Activity: UpgradeRuleInstance
 Overloaded activity that upgrades the PolicyTerm rule instance
 Open the Term Ruleinstance
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to Ruleinstance
 Set the ruleset properties and DisplayDate
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to Ruleinstance.SelectedBenefitRule
 Save Ruleinstance
5.3Class: RULE-HC-POLICY Activity: UpgradeRuleInstance
 Overloaded activity that upgrades the Policy rule instance
 Open the Term Ruleinstance
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to Ruleinstance
 Set the ruleset properties and DisplayDate
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to Ruleinstance.SelectedBenefitRule
 Save Ruleinstance
5.4Class: PEGAPCS-DATA-PLAN Activity: UpgradeRuleInstance
 Overloaded activity that upgrades the Plan instance
 Open the Term Datainstance
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to Datainstance
 Set the ruleset properties and DisplayDate
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to Datainstance.ChildItem
 Save Datainstance
6Class: @BASECLASS Activity: BenefitSetTreeUpgrade
 Activity that upgrade BenefitSetTree in all four levels (PT\PRD\PLN, NET, BEN\GPR, GRP-BEN)
 Set the properties relevant to stage-based processing to 'this level' of instance
 Open the UnionDataObject using UnionDataObj reference
 Set the PCSRuleSetVersion to UnionDataObject
 Set the ruleset version details and COB details to UnionDataObject.UnionDataRule
 Set pyLabel of UnionDataObject.UnionDataRule.pyRuleVersionsList to PCSReleaseVersion
7Class: @BASECLASS Activity: BenefitSetTreeUpgradeForNetwork
 Activity that upgrade BenefitSetTree in NET level
 Open the UnionDataObject using UnionDataObj reference
 Set PCSRuleSetVersion to UnionDataObject
 Set ruleset version details and COB details to UnionDataObject.UnionDataRule
 Set pyLabel of UnionDataObject.UnionDataRule.pyRuleVersionsList to PCSReleaseVersion
8Class: PEGAPCS-HC-USA-WORK Activity: UpgradeRejectionInstance
 Activity that upgrades the rejected instances
 Remove the flow pages in the Workinstance
 Call the UpgradeWorkItem activity to trigger entity-level, overridden activity to upgrade relevant work object and rule
 Change the stage and set status to desired values accordingly as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using D_UpgradeParameters.Reject_Stage_Name
 Set Workinstance status to desired value as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using
9Class: PEGAPCS-HC-USA-WORK Activity: UpgradeRetirementInstance
 Activity that upgrade the retired instances
 Remove the flow pages in the Workinstance
 Call the UpgradeWorkItem activity to trigger entity-level, overridden activity to upgrade relevant work object and
rule object
 Change the stage starting from Development, Implementation, Production and to Retirement as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using D_UpgradeParameters.Retire_Stage_Name
 Set Workinstance status to a desired value as initialized in IntializeUpgradeParameters and accessible using
 Complete the retirement flow by set-ticket CompleteRetirement
10Class: PEGAPCS-HC-USA-WORK Activity: CaptureUpgradeLogs
 Activity that logs the success or failure upgrade instances and accumulates failure information for the interactive execution summary
 Set the information required for LOG message and interactive summary display
 LOG success and failure upgrade instances
 Collect failure details of each instance in D_UpgradeSummary page

The SaveNewRulePage is circumstanced with the property, .IsUpgrade=true. This activity is specific to the upgrade process and should not be used while running the normal flow execution. The IsUpgrade property is set to true in the UpgradeRejectionInstance activity and set to false while commiting the work instance.

The steps 15,16,17 and 19 are commented out in the SaveNewRulePage activity because there is no need to execute these steps while creating the rule instances for upgraded rejected entities.

Creating and using the IsUpgrade property is reserved for PCS upgrades.



  • Previous topic Life-cycle management in Pega Product Composer for Healthcare
  • Next topic Pega Product Composer for Healthcare 8.1 deprecated rules


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