Pega Robot Manager 5
Use Pega® Robot Manager to monitor the performance, health, and throughput of your robotic process automation (RPA) virtual machines (VMs).
You can do the following tasks:
- Manage VMs and work queues, such as specifying the number of automations that can fail on a VM.
- Configure the organizational hierarchy of departments and users.
- Apply roles to users to define the tasks that they can perform.
- Obtain updated automation packages and deploy them to robotic work groups, departments, and users.
For more information about configuring and using RPA with Pega Platform, see the following articles:
- Tutorial: Automating processes in your Pega Platform application with robotic process automation (RPA)
- Configuring robotic process automation
Pega Robot Manager 5 is supported on a minimum platform version of Pega 7.4. To download Pega Robot Manager from Pega Exchange, see Pega Robot Manager.
In addition, you must use version 8.0.1084 or later of Pega Robotic Automation Studio and Pega Robotic Automation Runtime.
For information about configuring and using Pega Robot Manager, see the following articles:
The following enhancements have been added to this version of Pega Robot Manager:
- Improved application performance
The following pages and widgets now load information more quickly:
- Workgroups and Users > Robots pages
- The page that is displayed when you click a robotic VM
- The page that is displayed when you click a work queue
- The Robot status and Automation alerts over time widgets
When you import Pega Robot Manager, you must run the pxMigrateRobotLogEntriesToV5 activity to migrate existing history and automation history.
- Ability to import users and departments in bulk
You can now quickly model your organizational hierarchy by importing a CSV file with users and departments. In addition, you can download a preconfigured template that you can use to import users and departments.
- Ability to process failed assignments in bulk
You can now process multiple failed assignments at a time to quickly reprocess all of the failed assignments in your current application stack.
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