Pega Robotic Automation Management Console version 1
Use Pega® Platform Robotic Management Console to extend the functionality of Robotic Process Automation (RPA).
You can view the following kinds of information:
- Defined work groups and work queues
- The health and throughput of registered VMs
- The capacity of work queues
For more information about configuring and using RPA with Pega 7.2.1 and 7.2.2, see the following information:
- Automating processes in your Pega 7.2.1 application
- Tutorial: Automating processes in your Pega Platform application with Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Configuring Robotic Process Automation (Pega 7.2.2 help)
Version 1 of Pega Robotic Automation Console is supported on Pega 7.2.1 and Pega 7.2.2. To download the Robotic Automation Management Console from Pega Exchange, see the Pega Robotic Automation Management Console page.
See the following topics for information about using Pega Robotic Automation Console version 1:
- Pega Robotic Automation Management Console for viewing and managing VMs
- Importing Pega Robotic Automation Management Console to your Pega 7 Platform development environment
- Banker Pro sample application
- Adding Pega Robotic Automation Management Console to a new application
- Adding Pega Robotic Automation Management Console to an existing application that uses a previous UI-Kit version
- Enabling the ProcessStaleRobots agent in Pega 7.2.2
- Enabling the RoboticAssignmentProcessing agent in Pega 7.2.2
- Starting Pega Robotic Automation Management Console
- Reprioritizing work queues
- Starting and stopping work queues
- Modifying work queues
- Modifying the heartbeat interval
- Modifying VM details
Pega Robotic Automation Management Console for viewing and managing VMs
Use Pega Robotic Automation Management Console to view all the VMs that are configured to automate processes in your Pega 7 application. You can monitor VM health and activity and configure information, including the heartbeat interval and the maximum number of assignments in each work queue. The console displays information on the following pages:
- Dashboard page – Provides executive-level information that describes work throughput, the state of VMs, and failed automation history.
- Work group page – Displays information about all the work queues in each work group. Click a work queue to view details about each queue, such as the number of assignments that are past a service-level agreement (SLA) goal.
- Robots page – Displays all the VMs that have registered with your application. Click a VM to view specific details about the selected VM, such as the number of errors it has encountered since coming online.
Importing Pega Robotic Automation Management Console to your Pega 7 Platform development environment
After you download Pega Robotic Automation Management Console, you can import it to your Pega 7 Platform development environment by completing the following steps:
- In Designer Studio, click .
- Click .
- Browse for the .jar file that you downloaded.
- Click .
Banker Pro sample application
Pega Robotic Automation Management Console provides a sample application that can help you understand how RPA solutions are configured inside a Pega 7 Platform application. The Banker Pro sample application is configured for traditional, straight-through RPA processing. The application contains work groups for Customer Service and Banking, and each group contains several work queues to hold assignments. The Banker Pro sample application also defines several case types to perform common back-office tasks, such as updating account information, processing claims, and resolving customer disputes. Each case type has a single stage and a single processing step. Each step queues a new assignment to a VM by using the Assign to robot queue advanced shape on the Process Modeler.
Logging in to the Banker Pro sample application
After you import Pega Robotic Automation Management Console to your development environment, you can explore the sample application by logging in to the Pega 7 Platform with the following credentials:
- User ID - admin@bankerpro
- Password - rules
VM registration in the Banker Pro sample application
VM registrations are handled by the BankingAdministrator operator. The credentials for this operator must be configured inside each Pega Robotic Automation Runtime instance. This operator is responsible for registering new VMs and assigning them to the correct access group. The pyGetAccessGroupForRobotByWorkGroup decision table is used to map a work group to the correct access group in your application. Each access group can have different access roles so that you can customize the access rights of each VM in your application. This decision table has been specialized in the Banker Pro application layer. As a best practice, give your administrative operator a unique access group with the PegaRULES:RoboticAdministrator access role.
Dashboard layout in the Banker Pro sample application
To open Pega Robotic Automation Management Console, click Launch > Robotic console. You can personalize the dashboard page of Pega Robotic Automation Management Console by clicking the icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. The dashboard allows each user to configure the layout of dashboard widgets and charts according to personal preferences. A default configuration is configured in the pyCaseManagerDashboards data transform. This data transform is specialized in the Banker Pro application layer.
After you explore the Banker Pro sample application, you can create your own application. Pega Robotic Automation Management Console display is optimized for the UI-Kit-7:07-01-01 ruleset.
Adding Pega Robotic Automation Management Console to a new application
If you are creating a new Pega 7 Platform application, you can add Pega Robotic Automation Management Console to your application by completing the following steps:
- Create the application by using the New Application wizard in Designer Studio. Your application will be automatically configured to use UI-Kit-7:07-01-01.
- Open the application record by clicking the application name in the Designer Studio header, and then clicking Open application.
- In the Built on application(s) section, add the Pega Robotic Automation Management Console application to the stack:
- Click Add application.
- In the field, enter PegaRoboticAutomationConsole.
- In the Version field, enter 01.01.01.
- Click on the Edit Application form.
Adding Pega Robotic Automation Management Console to an existing application that uses a previous UI-Kit version
If you have an existing Pega 7 Platform application that uses a previous version of the UI-Kit, you can add Pega Robotic Automation Management Console to your application by completing the following steps:
- Open the application record for Pega Robotic Automation Management Console.
- In the Built on application(s) section, add your existing Pega 7 Platform application to the stack.
- In the application rulesets section, add UI-Kit-7:07-01-01 above Pega-Robotic-Console:01-01-01.
- Click on the Edit Application form.
- Create an access group that points to the Pega Robotic Automation Management Console application:
- Click .
- Enter a name and description, and click Create and Open.
- In the Available portals section of the access group, add pyRoboticConsole to the list of portals.
- On the Advanced tab of the access group, add the default work pool of your existing built-on application.
- Click Save in the Edit Access Group form.
- Assign the new access group to your users.
Enabling the ProcessStaleRobots agent in Pega 7.2.2
The ProcessStaleRobots agent queue finds the VMs that are running and that have lost connectivity with Pega Robotic Automation Management Console and disables them.
If you are using Pega 7.2.2, enable this agent by completing the following steps:
- Click Records > Sys Admin > Agent Schedule.
- Select the Pega-ProcessEngine instance on the node where you want to enable the ProcessStaleRobots agent.
- Select the Enabled? check box for the ProcessStaleRobots agent.
- Click Save.
Enabling the RoboticAssignmentProcessing agent in Pega 7.2.2
The RoboticAssignmentProcessing agent finds stale assignments that have been in the VM queue for longer than expected, and moves the assignments back to the work queues from which they originated.
If you are using Pega 7.2.2, enable this agent by completing the following steps:
- Click Records > Sys Admin > Agent Schedule.
- Select the Pega-ProCom instance on the node where you want to enable the RoboticAssignmentProcessing agent.
- Select the Enabled? check box for the RoboticAssignmentProcessing agent.
- Click Save.
Starting Pega Robotic Automation Management Console
To start Pega Robotic Automation Management Console, click
.Reprioritizing work queues
VMs fetch assignments from queues in order of priority. Assignments from the queues that are at the top of each work group are retrieved before assignments in a lower-priority queue. You can reprioritize work queues by completing the following steps:
- Click .
- Click in the panel for the work group that contains the work queue that you want to reprioritize.
- Drag the queue name to its intended priority in the list.
- Click .
Starting and stopping work queues
You can start or stop a work queue by completing the following steps:
- Click .
- Click in the panel for the work group that contains the work queue that you want to start or run.
- From the State list, click RUNNING or STOPPED.
- Click .
Modifying work queues
To modify information about assignments in a work queue, complete the following steps:
- Click .
- Click the work queue that you want to modify.
- Click .
- In the Max items field, enter the maximum number of assignments that should be in the work queue at any time.
If the number of queued items exceeds this threshold, your queue turns red on the Dashboard page, indicating that the VMs are not keeping pace with the incoming rate of work.
- In the Max automation run time (in sec) field, enter the expected run time for the assignments in this queue.
If the run time of an automation exceeds the value that is specified on its originating queue, the VM turns red on the Robots page, indicating that it might need administrative attention.
- Click .
Modifying the heartbeat interval
The heartbeat interval governs the expected frequency of pings, or heartbeat messages, that are sent from each registered VM to your Pega 7 Platform application. You can modify the expected interval by completing the following steps:
- Click .
- Click the button in the top-right corner of the window below the operator name.
- In the Heartbeat interval field, enter the interval, in seconds, that VMs should use.
- Click . The new heartbeat interval is applied after the VM next registers with your Pega 7 application.
Modifying VM details
To modify VM details, complete the following steps:
- Click or , and then click the VM that you want to modify.
- Click the button in the top-right corner below the operator name.
- In the Max failed automations field, enter the number of automations that this VM can fail during its processing life. If the number of failures exceeds this value, the VM turns red.
- Click .
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