Configuring assignment types
In Pega Robot Manager you can configure information about assignments. For example, you can specify several assignments in a queue which, when exceeded, results in a warning notification.
- In the application header, click Robots.
- Click the work group containing the assignment type that you want to modify.
- Click the assignment type name.
- Click the Pencil icon.
- In the Max capacity field, enter a number. If the number of queued assignments meets or exceeds this threshold, a warning message is displayed for that assignment type on the work group page, indicating that the robots are not keeping pace with the incoming rate of work.
- In the Max automation run time (seconds) field, enter
the length of time that the automation is expected to complete in. When the time of processing an automation exceeds twice the value that is specified for the originating assignment type, the robot displays a red icon on the Work groups and Dashboard pages, indicating that it might need administrative attention.
- In the Estimated saving (currency from locale) field,
enter the estimated monetary amount that will be saved by performing one
automation. This value is used to calculate the savings metric that is displayed on the work group page.
- Click Save.
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