Disabling the ingest data for reporting across different aggregation tables
Pega Robot Manager always collects the data half-hourly, but you can determine how the data is aggregated and stored. You can choose to ingest data into the hour, daily, monthly and yearly tables. You choose which table to source your data when creating reports.
By default, usage intervals collection settings are inherited from the built-on (parent) application. If the built-on application also inherits the settings from its parent application, the application stack follows until the dependency resolves. If no application contains its own instance of the settings, the Pega Robot Manager uses default settings.
- In Pega Robot Manager, log in to your application with ReportAdmin privileges.
- From the Pega Robot Manager dashboard, select Settings.
- Click Reporting.
- Click .
- In the Copy settings for reporting dialog box, set the data
aggregation details:
- In the Select an application to copy from list, select an application from which to copy the settings.
- Select check boxes with intervals.
- Click Submit.The Inherited from column of the applied intervals displays the Current application status.
- Optional: To remove a usage interval, click the Remove from current application icon.
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