Starting robots from the list of all robots
You can manually start one or more robots from the list of all robots.
- In the application header, click Robots.
- On the Robots tab, locate the robot or robots that you want to start. You can use filters to display robots from a specific work group or in a specific status.
- Start one or multiple robots. Perform one of the following actions:
- To start a single robot, click the More options
icon for that robot, and then click Start.
The RPA Service attempts to start the robot, which is indicated by a progress bar. If successful, the color of the dot on the robot icons changes to green.
- To start multiple robots, perform the following actions:
- Select the check boxes next to all robots that you want to start.
- Click the Bulk actions icon, and then click
The RPA Service attempts to start the robots, which is indicated by a progress bar. If successful, the color of the dot on the robot icons changes to green.
- To start a single robot, click the More options
icon for that robot, and then click Start.
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