Changing settings from the Pega Robot Manager interface
Edit multiple settings relating to robot registration, reporting, and configuration from within the Pega Robot Manager user interface.
Robot registration – Create application-specific copies of decision tables, change the values in application-specific decision tables, or revert to inherited decision tables by removing their application-specific copies.
Reporting – Enable or disable usage data aggregation time intervals (hourly, daily, monthly, or yearly) per application, or use the settings inherited from the built-on application.
For more information about reporting in Pega Robot Manager, see Reporting in Pega Robot Manager.
- Intervals (global settings) – Set custom heartbeat and work polling intervals.
- Thresholds by notification time – Set application-specific threshold values for various notifications for web gadgets or email.
- Settings inheritance through the application stack
By default, all decision tables and notification thresholds settings are inherited from the built-on (parent) application. If the built-on application inherits those settings from its parent application, then, to resolve any dependency, the application stack is traversed until the dependency is resolved. If no application contains its own instance of the settings, the default settings for Pega Robot Manager are used.
- Creating application-specific copy of decision tables
You can create application-specific copies of decision tables, and then customize them for your application.
- Changing the values in application-specific decision tables
By using application-specific copies of settings, you can customize them without affecting the built-on application. In addition, the changes are also reflected in all child applications that inherit these settings from the current application.
- Setting the data aggregation interval for reporting
You can aggregate and store data in hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly intervals based on your reporting needs and available database storage space.
- Reverting to inherited decision tables
You can revert back to inherited settings by removing your application-specific copies of decision tables. This change also affects applications that inherit from the current application.
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