Configuring automatic cleanup of robotic automations, events, or operator history records
Depending on your business needs, you can configure Pega Robot Manager to automatically clean up automations, events, or operator history records.
The pyArchiveRoboticAutomations job scheduler (agent) automatically archives History-Data-Robot-Automations (pr_data_robot_automation_audit database table) records that exceed a set limit (the default value is: 10). By default, the job scheduler runs daily at: 2:00 AM, US Eastern Time.
The pyArchiveRoboticEvents job scheduler (agent) automatically archives History-Data-Robot-Events (pr_data_robot_event_audit database table) records that exceed a set limit (the default value is: 100). By default, the job scheduler runs daily at: 2:00 AM, US Eastern Time.
The pyPurgeRobotOperatorHistory job scheduler (agent) automatically purges History-Data-Admin-Operator-ID (: pr_data_robot_automation_audit database table) records that exceed a set limit. By default, the job scheduler runs daily at 2:00 AM, US Eastern Time.
- The default job schedulers run in the context of the system runtime level, and therefore can archive data at the entire system level, and not only at the application level.
- Override the job schedulers in your current application only if you want to change the schedule, or to update the number of records to preserve. Otherwise, use the default job schedulers.
- Do not change the Associated with node types value for any job scheduler.
- In the navigation panel of Dev Studio, click Records.
- Expand the SysAdmin category, and then click Job Scheduler.
- Click the job scheduler record that you want to edit, for example pyArchiveRoboticAutomations.
- Click Save as and perform the following actions:
- Edit the label.
- Set the context for your specialized notification by selecting a development
branch.Select an application that is built on Pega Robot Manager and the Pega-Robotic-AutomationPackageManagement ruleset.
- Click Create and open.
- Configure your job scheduler:
Choices Actions Change the schedule - In the Schedule list, select the frequency for the job, and then set the related details.
- Set the start time and the time zone.
Change the number of preserved records - Click Parameters.
- Enter the new maximum number of most recent items to preserve. For best results, set
the maximum number of records to be preserved to a value as recommended below:
- For the pyArchiveRoboticAutomations: between 10 and 999 records
- For the pyArchiveRoboticEvents: between 100 and 999 records
- For the pyPurgeRobotOperatorHistory: between 0 and 999 records
- Click Submit.
- Click Save.
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