Default dynamic system settings for Pega Robot Manager
While Pega Robot Manager is running, you can change the dynamic system settings data instances that are related to robotic operations in your application to answer your specific business needs.
Setting Name | Default Value | Additional information |
pegarobotics/ServiceOperatorHeartbeatInterval | 30 (seconds) | Defines how often the RPA service sends the heartbeat signal to Pega Robot Manager. No heartbeat signal within the specified interval means that the RPA Service is not running, and that administrative actions, such as starting or terminating a robot, are not available in Pega Robot Manager. |
pegarobotics/TimeoutIntervalForRobotCommandToBeCompleted | 60 (seconds) | Together with pegarobotics/ServiceOperatorHeartbeatInterval, this setting specifies the timeout interval for START commands that you issue to robots. |
pegarobotics/HeartbeatInterval | 30 (seconds) | Specifies how often robots provide their health status to Pega Robot Manager through heartbeat messages. A robot receives the STOP command only at the time of the next heartbeat message. For more information, see Configuring robot intervals. |
pegarobotics/RuntimeEvaluationTimeInterval | 60 (minutes) | Indicates the time period for evaluating whether a robot is in the HEALTHY, FAILING, or UNDERPERFORMING state. For more information, see Configuring robot intervals. |
pegarobotics/NotificationAlertInterval | 30 (minutes) | Prevents the system from sending repeated notifications of the same type. For more information, see: |
pegarobotics/AutoBalancerChunkInterval | 60 (minutes) | Specifies the length of the period in which Pega Robot Manager evaluates the expected workload in a work group by looking at how many open assignments will meet their SLA deadlines. For more information, see Estimating the workload across work groups. |
pegarobotics/RobotNotReadyThreshold | 10 (minutes) | Indicates how long a robot can remain in the APPLICATION NOT READY state before Pega Robot Manager stops the robot. For more information, see: |
pegarobotics/UnderPerformingBotsExpiryInterval | 60 (minutes) | Prevents under-performing robots from performing additional assignments within the current work group until the interval expires. For more information, see Handling underperforming robots. |
pegarobotics/WorkgroupSpecifiedInPayloadTakesPrecedence | false | Specifies whether the work group for a newly provisioned robot is determined by the Pega Robot Runtime. If false, it is Pega Robot Manager that determines the work group registration sequence by using decision tables. For more information, see Robot registration and work group assignment for RPA (unattended) robots. |
pegarobotics/defaultTimezoneForRMReporting | GMT | The default time zone for converting the payload date and time. |
pegarobotics/AutomationPackageRepository | empty | The repository that stores automation packages. This repository can be either a local Pega Package Server, or a custom repository that Pega Robot Manager controls. For more information, see: |
pegarobotics/MaxStartsIssuedPerScheduleAction | 4 | Prevents Pega Robot Manager from continually attempting to restart a robot. Pega Robot Manager tries to start a robot only if the number of start attempts is less than the value of this setting. |
pegarobotics/AllowedWaitTimeForRobotRegistration | 120 (seconds) | Specifies the maximum expected time for the RPA Service to start up Pega Robot Runtime. This setting value includes the time needed to unlock the remote machine and to retrieve the package assignment only. |
pegarobotics/DefaultTimeoutForRoboticAutomationService | 30 (seconds) | When unattended automations are invoked through Data Pages, a REST service starts in Pega Robot Manager. If this REST service does not acknowledge the invocation within the time period that this setting value specifies, the Data Page times out. You can also configure the Data Page, and set a time period defining how long the automation can take. For more information, see Data pages. |
pegarobotics/EnableDefaultKerberosAuthenticationForRobotManager | true | When true, the custom authentication service attempts to authenticate the incoming ticket by using the default SPNEGO lib/configurations for Pega Robot Manager. |
pegarobotics/DefaultAuthenticationType | Basic | Determines the authentication method for
users (other than Runtime users) that you add
through Pega Robot Manager. You
can use the following values: |
pegarobotics/DefaultAuthenticationTypeForRuntimeOnlyUser | SSO | Specifies the authentication method for
Runtime users that you add through Pega Robot Manager. You can use the
following values: |
pegarobotics/RobotManagerHostDomain | http://localhost:8080/prweb | Indicates the host domain of Pega Robot Manager when the application that invokes automations (for example, through an RDA data page) and Pega Robot Manager reside in separate system instances. For more information, see Robotic desktop automation as a data page source. |
pegarobotics/RoboticAutomationRequestorProfile | RoboticAutomationRequestorProfile | The authentication profile for applications to connect to the Pega Robot Manager host server in the case when those applications use robotic automations to populate a data page. For more information, see Robotic desktop automation as a data page source. |
pegarobotics/runtime/DesktopRoboticsURL | | The URL to invoke robotic automations. If you
do not specify the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), the
default protocol is HTTPS, for example, . |
pegarobotics/WorkPollingInterval | 30 (seconds) | Deprecated. The frequency with which active robots request new assignments. Starting from Pega Robot Manager 8.5.1, instead of using of using this setting, define the polling interval at the work group level. For more information, see Configuring how often robots request assignments. |
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