Understanding robot failure thresholds
Learn about failure thresholds and other settings that specify how Pega Robot Manager determines whether robots are underperforming.
Robot failure statuses
After a robot processes an assignment, Robot Manager considers any status other than Completed or Completed with errors as a failure. Failures also include the DidNotComplete status and time-outs when the robot does not reply within the defined threshold time.
Stop work scenarios
When a robot exceeds any of the thresholds, Robot Manager considers the robot for that particular work group to be underperforming, and stops the robot. Then, depending on your configuration, one of the following scenarios occurs:
Stop work scenarios
Configuration | Scenario |
A schedule is already enabled for the robot | Robot Manager starts the robot again in accordance with the original schedule. If the situation persists, Robot Manager stops the robot again, but does not restart the robot according to the original schedule. |
Auto-balancing is enabled for the work group | The root cause of the robot's repeated failure might only apply to the current work group. For example, repeated failures could be related to issues with the local application that the work group uses. If Robot Manager considers the robot to be underperforming, it stops the robot, but can move it to other work groups. |
Robots are controlled manually | The robot remains in Stop status until a user manually starts the robot again. |
Alert evaluation time
The alert evaluation time interval is a dynamic snapshot of a specific time period that Robot Manager uses to evaluate robot performance. The default alert evaluation time is 60 minutes.
For more information, see Configuring robot intervals.
Consecutive failures threshold
This value indicates the number of consecutive failed assignments that the work group can accept for each robot. The default threshold value is 5. If a robot reaches the specified threshold, Robot Manager considers the robot to be underperforming, and stops that robot. Enabling Robot Manager to stop underperforming robots is the most efficient solution for preserving the integrity of the cases in assignments and completing the work successfully within the required service-level agreements (SLAs). However, if you want to disable the consecutive failures threshold for a specific business case, you can do so. For details on configuring Robot Manager to ignore the consecutive failures threshold and also on how to set the failed automations threshold, see Configuring robot failure tolerance.Failed automations threshold
This value indicates the percentage of assignments that each robot can fail to complete within the alert evaluation time. The default value is 20%, which means that a robot can fail two out of ten assignments in the last alert evaluation interval. If a robot exceeds the specified percent of failed automations, Robot Manager considers the robot to be underperforming and stops that robot. For more information, see Configuring robot failure tolerance.
Not ready threshold
This value indicates how long a robot can remain in the APPLICATION NOT READY state before Robot Manager considers that robot to be underperforming.
If a robot did not start working on any assignment before assuming the APPLICATION NOT READY state, and the robot reaches the Not ready threshold, then Robot Manager stops the robot.
If a robot starts working on an assignment, reports the APPLICATION NOT READY state, and remains in this state until it reaches the Not Ready threshold, then Robot Manager waits for a length of time that is two times the assignment’s expected execution time. After this time passes, Robot Manager pulls the assignment back from the robot, and then stops the robot.
For more information, see Configuring robot intervals.
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