Configuring Robot Runtime 8.0 SP1 2018 and earlier in RPA implementations
If you are using Pega Robotic Automation version 8.0 SP1 2018 or earlier, to configure Robot Runtime, complete the following instructions.
If you are using a different version, see Configuring Pega Robot Runtime in RPA implementations.
Before you begin
Perform the steps in Enabling the RPA Scheduling service to simulate a Secure Attention Sequence.
To run Pega Robot Runtime in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) implementations as a user who differs from the currently logged in Windows user, you must relocate and modify the configuration files. Although the default location for configuration and logging files is the user-specific %AppData%\OpenSpan folder, instead use the %ProgramData%OpenSpan folder, which is accessible to all Windows users.
- Copy the %AppData%\OpenSpan\RpaSchedule.json file from the user-specific %AppData%\OpenSpan folder into the C:\programdata\OpenSpan folder.
- Copy the %AppData%\OpenSpan\RuntimeConfig.xml file from the user-specific %AppData%\OpenSpan folder into the C:\programdata\OpenSpan folder.
- Depending on the 8.0 build you are running, the next step differs:
- If you are running Robot Runtime version 8.0.1088 or earlier, open the OpenSpan.WinLogon.Service.exe.config file and ensure that the LogonDisclaimer key is set to False.
- If you are running Robot Runtime version 8.0.1089 or later, the enabled key is configured in the appropriate operating system section in the SchedulerDefinitions.xml file. For example:
<MatchSet name="Disclaimer" mode="SignIn" matchSuccess="Continue" matchFailure="Stop" enabled="true"> <Match type="PushButton" name="OK"> <Action type="execute" /> </Match> </MatchSet>
- Open the CommonConfig.xml file and change the ConfigurationLocation key. For example:
- Save and close the CommonConfig.xml file.
- Open the RuntimeConfig.xml file and make the following changes:
- In the fileName key for Log4Net files, specify the appropriate file names.
- In the startupProject key, specify the name of the project that you want the system to initially start. Ensure that this project is accessible to all users.
- Save and close the RuntimeConfig.xml file.
- Start the Pega Windows Auto-Logon Service.
For more information on these configuration files, see Main Robotic Automation Configuration Files.
For information on how to use the RPA Scheduling service to schedule when Robot Runtime can run RPA robots, see Scheduling when a Robotic Process Automation robot runs.
Previous topic Configuring Robot Runtime 8.0 SP1 2019 and later to work with Robot Manager 6 in RPA implementations Next topic Scheduling when a Robotic Process Automation robot runs