Pega Sales Automation entity relationships and class inheritance
The Pega Sales Automation data model consists of a set of standard business objects that support the sales process. The business objects have unique attributes, for example account numbers, contact names, or operator IDs, and they interact with other business objects as they move through the sales life cycle.
The Pega Sales Automation application includes the following business objects:
- Account
- Activity
- Appointment
- Contact
- Household
- Lead
- Operator
- Opportunity
- Organization
- Task
The business objects that the application uses depend on the selling mode that you select for your implementation. The following selling modes are available:
- Business-to-business (B2B) – Use this mode if you are selling products and services to other businesses.
- Business-to-consumer (B2C) – Use this mode if you are selling products and services directly to individual consumers.
- Mixed mode – Use this mode if you are selling products to both individual consumers and to other businesses.
B2B selling mode
The following entity relationship diagram shows the Pega Sales Automation business objects that are used in the B2B selling mode and the relationships between the objects:
B2C selling mode
The following entity relationship diagram shows the Pega Sales Automation business objects that are used in the B2C selling mode and the relationships between the objects:
Mixed selling mode
The mixed selling mode utilizes all of the business objects that are shown in the B2B and B2C entity relationship diagrams.
Entity object class inheritance
The following diagram shows the core entities in the Pega Sales Automation application and their directed and pattern inheritance paths: