Territory model definition
In Pega Sales Automation, there are territories, operators, and partners that are part of the sales team structure.
A territory is a hierarchical unit that organizes your sales team into groups, for example, a geographic location, a department, or a product line.
You assign operators to territories, and configure each operator's read, update, and create permissions (at the territory level) for the work objects that are used in the Pega Sales Automation application, including accounts, contacts, leads, opportunities, and organizations.
The following diagram shows a territory structure based on geographic locations:
When you set up territories for a new application, complete that setup before you configure operators. After you define operators, you can edit a territory to optionally select which operator is the forecast manager.
An operator is an individual user of the Pega Sales Automation application, either a member of your sales team or a sales agent at partner organizations. Each operator has the following characteristic:
- An ID that identifies the operator within the application.
- A role that determines which portals and work objects the operator can access.
- An access group that determines what the operator can do in the application.
- Territory permissions that allow the operator to work in one or more specific territories.
- A set of work object permissions.
With Pega Sales Automation, you can work directly with external agencies, resellers, and sales partners by granting them access to your local implementation. Partners are the external agencies with whom you work. A Global Sales Operations operator can set up and administer partners and delegate user (operator) administration to a Local Sales Operations operator at the partner organization.
Partner management uses the existing territory and operator security model to ensure that each partner only has access to their data. For more information, see Improve collaboration with partners by using Partner Relationship Management.
Adding territories
Configure territories to establish the structure for managing your sales team, for example assign people to the territories they are working in.
A Global Sales Ops operator can view and edit the entire territory tree structure. A Local Sales Ops operator can view and edit their primary territory and any children under that territory.
- In the header of App Studio, launch the User portal.
- In the navigation pane, click Territories.
- To add territories, choose one of the following actions:
- To import multiple territories at once, use the data import wizard, and then return
to the Territories screen to perform the optional steps.For more information, see Importing the data.
- To add one territory at a time, on the Territories screen, click Create territory, and then for each territory perform the required steps.
- To import multiple territories at once, use the data import wizard, and then return
to the Territories screen to perform the optional steps.
- Next to the organizational unit that you want to change, click Update.
- Navigate to the organizational unit to which you want to map this territory, click
Update, and then click Submit.Map the new territory to a specific organizational unit within the organization's taxonomy to associate that territory with a specific product line.
- If you set up a territory for one of your partners, select the Reserved for partner check box.
Adding and associating operators to territories
Create operator records for all users so that you can define the permissions for each user.
- In the header of App Studio, launch the User portal.
- In the navigation pane, click Operators.
- To add operators, choose one of the following actions:
- To import multiple operators at once, use the data import wizard, and then return
to the Operators screen to perform the steps below.For more information, see Importing the data.
- To add one operator at a time, on the Operators screen, click Create operator, and then for each operator perform the steps below.
- To import multiple operators at once, use the data import wizard, and then return
to the Operators screen to perform the steps below.
- On the Operator Details form, complete the required fields, and
then enter optional information for your implementation:
- For partner operators, enter a partner name in the Partner field.
- Click Password, enter a password for the operator, and then click Submit.
- Click Continue.
- On the Operator Access form, assign the new operator to a
- Select an operator type - persona.
- Map your operator to the territory or create a new territory.
- Click Finish.
Optional: Sales goals
Sales goals give the ability to plan quarterly or monthly goals for sales representatives based on a variety of metrics. By default, goals are based on revenue but you can define them by using other metrics, such as activities, the number of closed opportunities, or the number of created leads.
Operators with the Sales Ops persona define sales goals to be achieved by the sales representatives.
Setting up time periods for sales goals
Configure time periods if you plan to create and monitor sales goals. Pega Sales Automation uses the time periods that you set up to track progress toward meeting sales goals. Sales Ops operators enter sales goals for sales representatives when setting up operator IDs or when updating the Sales Goals tab in existing operator records.
Define, what a year means for your organization, for example for the financial industry, you can define a year starting from April 1st until March 31st. You can also define quarters, if necessary.
- Log in as a Sales Ops.
- In the User portal navigation pane, click Tools.
- On the Tools screen, click .For example, define the time period for the sales representative to close x number of opportunities, or to win x millions of USD within the set time frame.
- On the Time period form, define the new time period
- Click Submit.
Viewing the default organization structure and creating an organization unit in Pega Sales Automation for Financial Services
In Pega Sales Automation for Financial Services, you can view the out of the box sample organization structure to decide whether to modify it or not. For each territory in Pega Sales Automation for Financial Services you must associate a parent territory and an organization unit.
To create an organization unit, perform the following steps:
- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- In the Short description field, enter a short description.
- In the Organization name field, enter or select an organization name.
- In the Division name field, enter or select a division name.
- In the Unit name field, enter or select a unit name.
- Click Create and open.
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