Extensions for internal account renewals
You can extend renewals for internal account, which are the default accounts used in Pega Sales Automation for Healthcare.
Pega Sales Automation
Implementation Guide
- Data page and data transform
- The D_GetRenewalAccounts data page displays the Renewal Batch cases (case ID prefix of RB-) in the system. The data page calls the ListofRenewalAccounts report definition. For the response, extend the MapGetRenewalAccountsResponse data transform.
- Renewal batch extensions
- The spmCreate flow calls the CreateQuoteRequestWrapper activity, which sets the required values for creating a renewal quote and then calls the queue processor. The queue processor calls the spmCreateRenewal flow in the QuoteRequest class. For each Renewal Batch case, the CreateQuoteRequestWrapper activity creates a new Quote Request case with a case ID prefix of QRSG- or QRIND-. Extend the spmGetBatchRenewalParameters data transform to add custom parameters for renewals processing.
- Renewal job scheduler for automatic batch creation
- For automatic batch creation, the CreateRenewalBatch job scheduler creates Renewal Batch (RB-) and Quote Request (QR-) cases in the background, and it sets the status of the Renewal Batch case to Pending-BackgroundAgent until the background process is complete.
- Renewal quote processing for unchanged census data
- The quote renewal process for "as–is" (unchanged) census data assumes that nothing has changed with the account. The renewal process skips the Census Data screen and instead goes to the quote creation process. After the quote creation process is completed, the effective date and close date are updated on the new Quote Request item and a corresponding new opportunity is created.
- Renewal quote processing for modified census data
- If the user chooses to update final census during quote renewal, the alternate path is triggered. In this case, the Census Data screen opens so the user can upload or edit census details. Then, the renewal process continues with the quote creation process.
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