Multi node and multi job scheduler processing
Once the claims have been loaded to the N837 table, there is an job scheduler that runs to pick the N837 records in batches to process them to claim work object.
In the N837 table, the user can observe all the claims being created from a single file. For each individual claim in a file one N837 will be created.
With the de-batch logic in place, SCE has the claims picked and processed by multiple nodes and multiple job schedulers.
The claims will be picked sequentially, one by one, by each of the nodes configured in the decision table.
In the job scheduler management tab of the Admin studio, the user can have the job schedulers for picking up the data objects to create the work objects. The job scheduler which will convert the DO to work object is X12BatchEDIProcessor.
On clicking the job scheduler, the user can also observe the node which is active for processing the DO to work object. There may be multiple nodes configured for a single agent.
There is a discrete decision used table for configuring all the nodes and the job schedulers for picking and processing any step (i.e. for converting the DO’s to work objects). For this step the decision table being used to configure the nodes and agents is DetermineX12BatchAgentNumber.
Based on this decision table configuration the DO’s will be converted to work objects in a sequential order.
Apart from the decision table SCE has a dynamic system setting in place which will determine how many max numbers of job schedulers are to be configured for conversion of DO’s to work objects.
As per this DSS only the configured number of job schedulers will work and convert the objects. The DSS being used for this purpose is NumberofAgentsN837.
In the job scheduler management tab of the Admin studio, the user can have the job schedulers for picking up the actual work objects to adjudicate and create the claims. The job schedulers will create claims from work objects.
On clicking the job scheduler, the user can also observe the node which is active for processing the DO to work object. There may be multiple nodes configured for a single job scheduler.
There is a discrete decision table for configuring all the nodes and the job schedulers for picking and processing any step (i.e. for converting the work objects to claims through adjudication). For this step the decision table being used to configure the nodes and job schedulers is DetermineAdjudicationAgentNumber.
Apart from the decision table, SCE also has a dynamic system setting in place that determines how many max numbers of job schedulers are to be configured for processing or adjudication of claims. This DSS is NumberofAgentsforAdjudication.
As per this DSS the agents will work, and the claims will be adjudicated by the configured number of agents.
The segment delimiter, element delimiter and sub-element delimiter should never be the same in a file, or else exceptions are triggered when the file is ingested.
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