Deleting an event code
You can only delete Event codes that have no associated processes or dependencies. Event code deletion can also only be performed if no claims have been set or associated with that Event code. As soon as a claim has set the Event code, the Event code can only be updated or set to the status of inactive.
The Event code must be end-dated (using today’s date) or made inactive, or a combination of both to be deleted from the system.
- For deleting an Event code, when no claims are associated to that Event code, delete all the Event code instances available in the system with that Event code number (for both active and inactive). To delete an Event code: Delete all the associated rules. Click on the Event Code link from left panel and the Event Code page is displayed.
- Click on the Trash bin Icon far right of the Event Code which is not set to any claim, then click on yes on the Confirmation Message. A request ID will be displayed in a popup window.
Once you select OK in the confirmation for deletion, then an approval work item is created. It needs to be approved before the Event code can be deleted from the system. The Event code remains in the system until the deletion has been approved by the System manager.
Then Login as the System manager and approve the Delete request. (Add approve and submit)
Once the deletion is approved by the system manager, a screen is displayed indicating approval of the work object (in this case the deletion of the Event code), and the Event code is deleted from the system.
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