OOB System Event Codes
Listed below are the OOB System Event Codes/Validations:
Event Code | Event Code Name |
SCX - 0001 | Claim Pended because the “Certainty” on the Claim is Review. |
SCX - 0114 | Suspend Claim when ClaimsXten request has more claim lines. |
SCX - 0115 | Suspend Claim When Claim Line has more than one service code group. |
SCX - 0116 | Claim Pended because historic Claim needed change. |
SCX - 0117 | Pend for action Support Review. |
SCX - 0118 | Pend for Claim Line Action Support. |
SCX - 0119 | No Response received from ClaimsXten. |
SCX - 0120 | Lines to be copied does not exist. |
SCX - 0121 | New Line needs to be added, however the line number already exist. |
SCX - 0122 | “Net Newline” field on the response is not received. |
SCX - 0123 | Claim line added for a Historic Claim. |
SCX - 0361 | Line quantity exceeds max quantity on Claim. |
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