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Updating the dispute decision tree matrix

Updated on June 22, 2022

After you complete the New Application Wizard, update the decision trees for each card scheme that you support in your implementation with the name of your custom implementation class to make sure that the test logic of the trees in the dispute decision tree matrix resolves to the correct class values.

The dispute decision tree matrix is a map value that is used to map the first digit of a card number, which is represented by the user-entered InterchangeSourceIDproperty value, to a dispute decision tree rule defined for the respective card scheme.

Note: By default, Pega Smart Dispute for Acquirers includes dispute resolution decision trees for Mastercard and Visa only. If your implementation of Pega Smart Dispute for Acquirers must support additional card schemes, you must create the respective decision trees. For more information, see About DecisionTrees.

Pega Smart Dispute for Acquirers Implementation Guide
  1. In the Dev Studio header search field, enter DisputeDecTreeMatrix, and then, from the search results, open the matching PegaCard-Sd-Dispute- map value.
  2. From the column on the right, copy the name of a dispute decision tree for a card association that you supportin your implementation, and then paste it into the Designer Studio header search field to open the matching PegaCard-Sd-DisputeAcq or PegaCard-Sd-Dispute- decisiontree.
  3. Click Save As.
  4. In the Apply to field, click your custom implementation class.
  5. In the Add to ruleset list, click your custom implementation ruleset.
  6. Click Create and open.
  7. In each indented test condition that applies to your implementation, replace the PegaCard-Sd- class prefix with the name of your custom implementation class.
    Note: Make sure to wrap the value in double quotation marks.
    For example:

    If the custom implementation class is OMD42Q-TO-Work, replace PegaCard-Sd- with OMD42Q-TO-Work-.

  8. Click Save.
  9. Repeat steps 2 to 8 for the remaining decision trees for the card schemes that you want to support in your implementation.

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