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Appendix F: Glossary

Updated on March 4, 2022

This glossary is included to assist you in understanding Smart Investigate for Payments terms.

access groupDetermines the layout of a user’s home page and the user rolesavailable. System administrators define access groups and associate them with users.
access roleAssigned to individual users to modify their access to rules. A rule of type Rule- Access-Role-Name.
accounting cutoffApredetermined time of daywhen nomore transactionsare posted for that day. Transactions entered after thecutoffarerecorded on the next day.
accounting stepThe financial transaction that a workflow executes to generate debit and credit entries for parties defined in the case.
actionAworkflow (business process) action. A rule of type Rule-Obj-FlowAction.
Administer barMeans of access to organization data, databases, security data, RuleSets, integration services, and data reports.
ageThe length of time a work item has been pending completion. Standard properties and reports track age as an indicator of how well the organization is providing service.
agentAbackgroundinternal thread operating on theserver. Agents periodically monitor conditions and perform processing as necessary.
assignmentAssignments record atemporary condition of an open work object within an executing flow that requires users or an external system to act on the work object for it to progress to the next step.
attachmentAfile,image, scanned document,URL,or text notethat hasbeen associated with a work object. A paperclipicon identifiesattachments.
authenticationThe process of determining the identity of a new user or requestor of services. Log-in is an authentication process.
automatic processingSee backgroundprocessing.
background processingAutomatic processing, without operator intervention.
base amountThe local currency equivalent of the inquiry amount.
beneficiaryThe final recipient of payment proceeds.
beneficiary bankThe bank in which the beneficiary’s account is domiciled.
branchThe location that is processing payment.
broadcastAshort text messagevisible tousers. An instance ofData-Broadcast.Userscan define distinct messages for each organizational unit.
caseAcollection oftasks or assignments thatarecompleted to resolve anexception.
check in/check outRule management process for a RuleSet, by which only one user at a time may edit a rule so that multiple users cannot overwrite each other’s changes. When a user checks out a rule, other users are barred from editing it (they can access it in a read-only mode). When the rule is checked back in, it is again available to be checked out.
CHIPSThe Clearing House Interbank Payment System, used in the United States as the final settlement payment system for business-to-business transactions.
classRules of type Rule-Obj-Class. Do not confuse with Java classes.
class groupAmeansto store instances from two or more concrete classes (thatshare a commonkey format)in a single databasetable.Class groups are commonly used tostore instances ofsimilar or related Work- concrete classestogether in a relational database table.
compensationThe payment or acceptance of interest for late payments.
connectorAprogrammatic component that defines and implements an interface between SmartInvestigate for Payments, actingas a client, and an external system,acting as a server. Connectors areimplemented throughan instance of a connector rule.
context-sensitive workspaceThe right side of the application portal, in which forms, lists, links, and toolbars are displayed as permitted by the user’s present action. For example, the toolbar displays the check in/check out icons only when an open rule is under rule management.
correct partyAn additionalpartyadded to the work object to replaceany erroneouspartywithin the payment chain.
correspondenceAnoutgoing e-mail message, printedletter, or facsimiletransmission producedby Smart Investigate for Payments andits users.
correspondence templateDefinition of the format, content, and type of correspondence; refers to a correspondence rule.
Correspondence Output Server (COS)See PegaDISTRIBUTIONManager.
cover thruAn additionalpartyin the paymentchainfacilitating the transmissionof fundsto the paying bank.
credit partyThe party in the paying chain whose account was credited with the proceeds.
credit party account officerThe officer managing the relationship/account of the credit party.
Dashboard barMeans of access to standard reports, accelerators and wizards, your operator profile, and company news.
deadlineThe maximum time allowed to resolve a case, configured in a service level agreement (SLA). See also goal.
debit partyThe party within the paying chain whose account was debited to make the payment.
debit party account officerThe officer managing the relationship/account of the debit party.
divisionThe middle level of the standard three-level hierarchy. The organizational structure affects management reports and statistics and the RuleSet visible to users in that organization when they log in. An instance of Data-Admin-OrgDivision. See also organization and unit.
EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans)An architecture for setting up Java program components that run on servers.
escalationProcessing within Smart Investigate for Payments that causes high-priority cases to become more visible to users and managers. The urgency property determines the order of cases in worklists. In some cases, the escalation process can recalculate the urgency value.
Fed ServiceAmeans ofinterbank communicationusedinNorth America.
federal funds rateThe interest rate at which depository institutions lend balances at the Federal Reserve to other depository institutions overnight.
Federal Funds Transfer SystemAhigh-speed electronicpayment systemowned and operatedby the Federal ReserveBanks,which actas intermediaries(though notcounterparties) inall Fedwire funds transfers for Fedwire participants.
FedwireAfunds transfersystem owned and operated by the Federal ReserveSystem.
financial caseAcase with suspense accounting activities.
flowSee workflow.
gadgetSee section.
goalThe expected time to resolve a case, configured in a service level agreement (SLA). See also deadline.
home viewSections of task-based links relevant to a workspace. When the workspace is displaying lists, forms, and so forth, clicking on abar displays its home view.
IMAD (Input Message Accountability Data)Aunique numberassigned to trackeachFedwire transactionsent by a financial institution.
indemnityArequest from one bank to another to expedite action on an exception without goingthrough the normalexceptionprocess, with an assurance thatallfees willbe paid.
instanceAn object — a collection of values and methodsassociated with a class.
inquirerThe party requesting investigation or information.
intent-led flowAworkflow that guidesusers to do the right thing in a given processing situation by presenting appropriate choices based on data and context.
interactionCommunication between acontact and the organization. This communication can include live interactions, such as telephone calls and branch location visits, or non- live interactions such as e-mail or mail.
intermediary bankAthird-partybank used in the payment chain tofacilitate payment between bankingentitieswho do not have a direct relationship with each other.
item IDAnidentification number(stored intheproperty .pyID) automatically assignedto a case.
J2EEJava 2Enterprise Edition.
JARJava ARchive, a file format based on the ZIP compressed-file format. A JAR file aggregates many files into one.
Java servletSee servlet.
line of business (LOB)Atype ofoperation area dealing withprocess.
Manage Rules barMeans of access to rules and classes via the explorers; to business, system, and integration rules by search criteria; to service, connector, property, and process configuration; and to rule reports.
MQ messagingAnIBM message protocol.
navigation panelThe left side of the application portal, which contains a series of bars that group controls by function.
nonfinancial caseAcasethat has no suspenseaccountingactivity.
ODBCOpen DataBase Connectivity. A common language to gain access to a database on a network.
OracleRelational database software providing access to the Oracle calls used in Smart Investigate for Payments.
organizationThe top level of the standard three-level hierarchy. The organizational structure affects management reports and statistics and the RuleSet visible to users in that organization when they log in. An instance of Data-Admin-Organization. See also division and unit.
pageThe standard Smart Investigate for Payments Web interface. The portal rule defines tabs and the arrangement and labeling of tools and features on them.
partyAperson or entityinvolved in a case;forexample, a customer, a bank, oran internal department.

Anoutput correspondenceserver thatsends HTML or Microsoft Word documents from PegaRULES Process Commander to channels available on other systems. Correspondence can be printed, faxed, or savedin RTF format.Formerly called

IOS (ImageNet Output Server).

PegaRESEARCH ManagerAPegasystems product that provides a central repository for critical SWIFT messages and transaction data. PegaRESEARCH Manager can retrieve SWIFT transactions and map the results into a case.
pegarules.xml fileAsmallXML file on eachProcessCommander system and node that defines various installation and startup parameters.
portalSee page.
privilegeAn accesscontrol element associated with a classand an access role. A rule of type Rule-Access-Privilege. Privileges offer finer tuning of access control than accessroles alone. To have access to a privilege, a user must have at least one of the accessroles thatgrants accessto the privilege in an access role list. The associationbetweenaccess rolesandprivileges isestablishedin rulesof type Rule-Access-Role-Obj.
process architectAbusiness user or business analystwhodefines and maintains business rules, service levels, andflows orprocesses.
Process Work barProvides access to your worklist and workbaskets. Use to search, select, and process work on your worklist, manage workbaskets, and transfer work among operators.
PRPCPegaRULES Process Commander.
reference numberSee item ID.
receiving bankThe bank receiving the payment.
receiving bank correspondentThe bank representing the receiving bank in the payment chain.
remitterThe party on whose behalf the payment is made.
remittingbankThe bank initiating the payment, usually holds the account of the remitter.
remittingbankcorrespondentThe bank holding a relationship with the remitting bank.
Reports barMeans of access to reports and tools for monitoring assignments and processes, analyzing process quality, and analyzing process performance.
routeAn activitythat determineswhich userworklist orwhich workbasketis to receive an assignment.
RuleSetAgroupof relatedobject classes,workflows, and business rules.
RuleSet hierarchyThe ordered list of RuleSets in Process Commander applications. The most general RuleSets that provide basic functions are at the bottom, RuleSets specific to your application are in the middle, and RuleSets customized for your organization are at the top.

Also called agadget, a rectangular area on a page containing a control that a user can interact with. For example, the worklist area of the user’s home page is implemented through a gadget.

Sections are instances of Data-Gadget. By creating portal rules (of type Rule- Portal), system architects determine the appearance, labeling, and location of sections on the home page (portal), and which parts of the portal are visible to different groups of users.

sending bankThe bank sending the payment.

Aprogrammatic component that defines and implements an interface between an external application, acting as a client,and theSmartInvestigate for Payments system,acting as a server.

An externalsystemmay use any ofseveral technical frameworks to call Smart Investigate forPayments, become a requestor ofan appropriatetype,send a request, execute anactivity (whichmaycall other activities,update data, and start otherprocessing), and receive the results in a response.

Aservice isimplemented through an instance of a service rule, plusin some cases appropriate programming code inthe initiating application or system.

See also connector.

service levelTime interval to complete a request. Each service level rule defines one or two-time intervals, known as goals and deadlines that indicate the expected or targeted turnaround time for the assignment, or time to resolve for the case.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)Aprotocol usedtoexchangeinformation in a decentralized, distributed environment. SOAP is an XML-based protocol.
SLAService level agreement. See servicelevel.
SmartPromptAtextbox used on many formsthat dynamically creates a selection list of valid selections for fast user data entry. A blue triangle in the lower-rightcorner identifies SmartPrompt text boxes.
SnapStartAdataimportfacility usedto generate and prepopulateProcess Commander work objects froman external application,without a user log-in process.Notethat SnapStartitselfdoesnot authenticate — it sends a userIDand password within the URL.
SOAP servicesAcollection offunctions thatapplicationscancall using the SOAP protocol.
stepThe primary processing unit of an activity or business process.
step-by-stepThe manual ordering and initiation of a processing step, performed manually by a user outside automated workflow processing. Once a case is placed in a step-by- step assignment, it exits the automated flow and cannot reenter it.
straight-through processing (STP)Automatic processing that occurs without operator intervention.

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. Asecure network supporting the dispatch and receipt of payments, inquiry, and advice messages between banks and financial institutions.

Pegasystems is an official SWIFT solution partner. Refer to forfurther information.

SWIFTNetThe implementation of the SWIFT messaging protocol using a secure IP network.
system administratorAsystems engineerwho is responsiblefor installationand setup, security, and other operational functions.
system architectAn application developer who createsthe classstructure for yourworkwith supporting automation capabilities and implements interfaces with external systems.
third reimbursement bankThe party in the cover payment chain included to facilitate transmission of funds to the paying bank.
ticklerAreminder message,sentwhen no responsehas been received from a previous inquiry. Also known as chaser or tracer.
Tools barProvides access to system tools such as the Rules Inspector and Clipboard.
unitThe bottom level of the standard three-level hierarchy. The organizational structure affects management reports and statistics and the RuleSet visible to users in that organization when they log in. An instance of Data-Admin-OrgUnit. See also division and organization.
urgencyAnumericvalue between 0 and 100 that defines the importance ofspeed in completing and resolvingan assignment. Urgency defines the order inwhich cases appearon a user’s worklist.Largervalues correspond tohigherimportance. Urgency can be changedbyusers, managers, or the system based onservice levels, dollar amounts, special treatment for special customers, backlog, or other conditions.
URI (Universal Resource Identifier)

Information pertaining to the location of a particular resource on the server. For example, in the URL http://webserve/servlet/admin/?contents.html, the URI is


verificationAtaskperformed by a person who isdouble-checking priorwork tocatch possible mistakes or variances withpolicy before theworkbecomes final. Verificationis common in financial processes involving large sums, sensitive legal commitments, or correspondence.
Web application serverSee applicationserver.
Web serviceAservice using the SOAP protocol to transmit XML-formatted messages.
workbasketAcentralized, shared pool of work objects fromwhich usersselectwork.
work objectA unit ofwork.
workflowAstandard set ofsteps that resolves a case.
worklistAlistof itemsassigned to a specificuser, ordered by priority.
work typeThe reason for an exception.
Pega Smart Investigate for Payments Implementation Guide

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