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Deployment steps

Updated on March 4, 2022

The following list provides a high-level outline of the general steps involved when deploying most Pegasystems applications; see Appendix A, Application-Specific Information, for the specific details regarding your application. This rest of this guide provides more information about each of these steps.

  1. Create anew ruleset, ruleset version, and top-level class to hold your personalized business and processing rules.
  2. Smart Investigate for Payments requires additional steps to set up the class hierarchy for the new customer ruleset.
  3. Create an organizational hierarchy and then add operator IDs, work groups, workbaskets, and user access groups as needed.
  4. Save product application rules to your ruleset and then make changes as necessary; you can personalize correspondence, service levels, address types, portal layouts, and so on.
  5. Configure security rules as needed for your organization.
  6. Establish connections to existing external databases and data sources.
  7. If your application requires it, configure supporting applications such as PegaRESEARCH Manager™, SWIFTNet Exceptions and Investigations, and SWIFTNet Cash Reporting.
Pega Smart Investigate for Payments Implementation Guide

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