Setting the initial data-admin-operator-security instances
Before you create the initial security instance, you should understand the following:
- Creating new instances of Data-Admin-Operator-ID should be limited to operators with the SISecurityAdmin access group. Add operators using the Add Operator link in the Organization section of the Administer tab.
- Users with the SISupervisor, SIManager, or SISecurityAdmin access groups can maintain operator IDs. This is done using the Manage Operator Schedules and Profiles link in the My Group section of the Process Work tab.
- Each operator/group is required to have access to a supplementary data record that includes assigned level 2 and level 3 access appropriate to that operator or group. This information is used extensively when Smart Investigate for Payments evaluates the appropriate level of access to a work object and processing functionality.
- Access can be maintained at a combination of group and individual level as required.
- Not having a Security record does not prevent users from logging on. It simply means that access to do any meaningful updates is severely limited. Standard Pega 8 functionality prevents users from logging on until an operator ID is created.
Pega Smart Investigate for Payments
Implementation Guide
Previous topic Defining the decision table for SetLevel1Instance Next topic Assigning values to an operator