Pega Workforce Intelligence export definitions
Build your own views, charts, and graphs based on the details that are most relevant to your business goals by exporting Pega Workforce Intelligence data. Through exports, you can also combine Workforce Intelligence data with external data, such as CRM and call data, to build custom reports and visuals.
Understand how to effectively use this data by reviewing the definitions for the default exports.
- Accessing exports
Build your own views, charts, and graphs based on the details that are most relevant to your business goals by accessing Pega Workforce Intelligence exports. For example, you could use the step export to help you visualize your processes.
- User export definitions
Use the fields in the user export as a look-up reference for associates and their hierarchical parents. All of the fields that this export contains are arranged by associate.
- Processed export definitions
Create a custom desktop analytics report by using the data in the processed export. For example you could use this data to create custom dashboard reports on utilization, such as screen usage, to measure adoption of a new application or process.
- Workflow export definitions
Obtain high-level metrics for workflow types, find outliers, and understand each instance by basing custom analysis on the exported workflow file. All of the fields in this export are arranged by workflow instance.
- Step export definitions
Compare step metrics, such as average steps across teams, or build process maps by using the data in the step export. All of the fields in this export are per step.
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