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High-level events monitored

Updated on November 23, 2021

High-level event (HLE) monitoring captures basic application and system events. High-level events include application events, system events, and user-application interactions. High-level event projects collect basic event information for the applications that run on the desktop where you have deployed the project

High-level events projects collect event data based on the following application and system events:




Occurs when the top level window of a Windows-based application receives focus or when a user goes from one web domain to another without changing tabs in the browser.


Occurs when the currently focused Windows-based application loses focus or when a user goes from one web domain to another without changing tabs in the browser. When this event occurs, the system reports aggregate data. For more information, see High-level event data reported.


Occurs when a form window of a Windows-based application receives focus.


Occurs when the currently focused Windows-based application form loses focus. When this event occurs, the system reports aggregate data. For more information, see High-level event data reported.


Occurs when the client system enters an idle state. The client is in an idle state when there has been no user interaction within a specified time period. Use the secondsForIdle attribute in the DesktopAnalyticsConfig.xml file to specify this time period. Once the time period elapses with no user interactions occurring, the system reports the IdleStarted event. 


Occurs after a client system has been idle (see IdleStarted) and a user interaction occurs. When this event occurs, the system reports duration information.


Occurs when the user goes to another web domain or to another page within the same domain without changing tabs in the browser. Once the new site or page loads, the system reports a PageGotFocus event.


Occurs when the user goes to another web domain or to another page within the same domain without changing tabs in the browser. When this event occurs, the system reports aggregate data. For more information, see High-level event data reported.


Occurs when a process starts. You can track all processes or only the processes that have a UI element, such as an application window. Set this option using the uiProcessesOnly attribute in the DesktopAnalyticsConfig.xml file. 


Occurs when a process terminates.


Occurs when the system starts the screen saver application.


Occurs when the system exits the screen saver application. When this event occurs, the system reports aggregate data. For more information, see High-level event data reported.


Occurs when the user locks the system.


Occurs when the user unlocks the system. When this event occurs, the system reports aggregate data. For more information, see High-level event data reported.


Occurs when the main window of an application closes or when a browser tab closes. For example, if while viewing a webpage the user right-clicks a link and selects the Open in New Tab option, the system reports this event when it creates the new tab and brings it to the front of all other tabs open in the browser.


Occurs when the main window of an application opens or when a new window or browser tab opens. For example, if while viewing a webpage the user right-clicks a link and selects the Open in New Window option, the system reports this event when it opens the new browser window.


Occurs when a user submits a different URL to the browser to go to another website.

Running Robot Runtime as an Administrator

Run Robot Runtime as an Administrator to report the following events:
• DisplayLock
• DisplayUnlocked
• ScreenSaverStarted
• ScreenSaverStopped


Robotics System Architect System/Cloud Ops Administrator Robotic Process Automation

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