Can use a servlet rather than a hardware device for HTTP load-balancing across a cluster
A business with high-volume site needs to load-balance traffic for Process Commander applications among multiple physical servers in a cluster, and across multiple JVMs within each of those servers, to achieve good performance.
In similar situations, the site has used a servlet to forward requests to a single, specific hardware server. Once a request has been forwarded to that server, the request is handled by an IBM plug-in which automatically forwards requests to, and maintains them with, a specific JVM on that server.
The PDN article Load-balancing a multi-node cluster recommends buying a hardware solution for this purpose as a best practice.
The administrator asks: If a hardware solution is not feasible, can a new servlet that sits in front of PRServlet accomplish this load-balancing and redirection? Or can PRServlet itself be enhanced to do this, or is there another approach?
Suggested Approach
You can treat this like a proxy server situation, by writing a servlet that front-ends PRServlet.
Make sure that this servlet passes all of the cookie information through, so that PRServlet receives the session IDs..
Proxy configuration is documented elsewhere. It essentially is a matter of making sure that requests for static content get routed appropriately.
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