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Continue batch data flow runs that failed and reprocess partitions with the failed records

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can now continue batch data flow runs that failed and complete them with failures. You can also identify all the records that failed during a batch data flow run that is completed with failures. After you fix all the issues that are related to the failed records, you can reprocess the failures by resubmitting the partitions that contain the failed records. This option saves time when your data flow run processes millions of records and you do not want to start the run from the beginning.

For more information, see Data flow run updates.

Decision Data Store and HDFS data set types become resumable

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

Decision Data Store (DDS) and HDFS data set have been enhanced to be resumable. As a result, data flow runs that reference Decision Data Store or HDFS data sets as their primary data source are now resumable. You can pause and resume such data flow runs.

For more information, see the Resumability of data flow runs section in Data flow run updates.

Integrate the intelligent interaction activity for text analytics into your application

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

Employ text analytics and machine-learning capabilities in multichannel applications by integrating the pyRunInteraction activity for content parsing and analysis. By calling this activity, you can automatically analyze any incoming text data, such as instant messages, posts, emails, and so on, to detect sentiments, categories, entities, or intents that can help you with automatic case creation and routing. For example, you can use this activity to populate case properties based on detected entities such as customer name, email address, and account number.

For more information, see Intelligent interaction in text analytics.

Update text analysis models during every interaction

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

While interacting with your customers through text-based communication channels (such as a Facebook chatbot or email), you can use an activity to provide feedback to a text analysis model by manually assessing whether the entities, categories, intents, and sentiments in the analyzed text were assigned to the expected class. By using this feedback input as training data, you can ensure that the accuracy of your text analytics models continuously improves.

For more information, see Feedback loop for text analysis.

Build predictive models with the genetic algorithm

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

A genetic algorithm solves optimization problems by creating a generation of possible solutions to the problem. In Pega® Platform you can utilize the functionality of genetic algorithms by using the genetic algorithm model in the Analytics Center portal. With this type of predictive model, you can create highly predictive, non-linear models by selecting the best performing model from the last generation.

For more information, see Creating models and Creating a genetic algorithm model.

The Run Data Flow shape replaces the Run Interaction shape

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

The Run Interaction shape in flows has been replaced by the Run Data Flow shape to introduce a consistent way of making decisions and capturing responses. You can now run a single-case data flow by referencing the data flow in the Run Data Flow shape. The data flow must have an abstract input and abstract or dataset output.

For more information, see Running a decision strategy from a flow, About Data Flow rules and Interactions in flows are no longer supported by the Run Interaction shape.

Interactions in flows are no longer supported by the Run Interaction shape

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

The Run Interaction shape in flows has been replaced by the Run Data Flow shape, which supports running a single case data flow with a strategy. Flows that include the Run Interaction shape continue to work; however, you must now use the Utility shape to reference any new interactions that you create.

For more information, see Running a decision strategy from a flow and About Interaction rules.

Specify a model transparency policy for predictive models

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

Specify a model transparency policy in Pega® Platform to indicate predictive models that are compliant or non-compliant to use in particular business issues. Increase the transparency threshold of particular business issues to allow the use of more transparent models. Decrease the transparency threshold to allow for the use of less transparent and opaque models. Models with a transparency score below the transparency threshold are marked as non-compliant.

For more information, see Model transparency for predictive models.

Define custom dimensions in VBD data sets

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

Beginning with version 7.3.1, you can define custom dimensions when you create a Visual Business Director (VBD) data set in Pega® Platform. With this option, you can use any custom or existing property from the Applies To class of the VBD data set as a dimension to visualize your data, in addition to the properties in the default set of dimensions.

For more information, see Creating a Visual Business Director data set record.

Extension attributes are not supported in PMML models

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

Models in the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) format version 4.3 that contain extension attributes with the x- prefix are not valid. These extension attributes are deprecated; you must use extension elements instead. In addition, if the output type of any output field in the model is set to FLOAT, change it to DOUBLE.

For more information, see PMML 4.3 - General Structure in the Data Mining Group documentation.

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