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Additional adaptive model predictors based on Interaction History

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

Customer interactions are now automatically used in adaptive models to predict future customer decisions. For example, a phone purchase registered in Interaction History allows an adaptive model to predict that a customer is more likely to accept supplementary coverage for a new device. Such interactions, collected in a predefined Interaction History summary, are applied as an additional set of predictors in an adaptive model.

The aggregated Interaction History summary predictors are enabled by default for every adaptive model configuration.

For more information, see Enabling Interaction History predictors for existing adaptive models.

Update text analytics models instantly through an API

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

Use the pxUpdateModels API to automatically retrain text analytics models for which you gathered feedback as a result of the pxCaptureTAFeedback activity. The pxUpdateModels API provides an option to update the model with the latest feedback without having to open Prediction Studio. Instead, you can use the activity from your application, for example, through a button control.

For more information, see Feedback loop for text analytics.

Managed real-time data flow runs

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

Pega Platform™ now fully manages the life cycle of real-time data flow runs which helps you save time and reduce maintenance efforts. You no longer need to re-create the runs in every environment and manually pause and restart them after every modification. The application manages such runs by seamlessly implementing your changes and keeping the runs active until they encounter a specified number of errors or until you exclude the runs from the application.

For more information, see Tutorial: Using managed data flow runs and Creating a real-time run for data flows

Prediction Studio notifications

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Prediction Studio now displays notifications when adaptive or predictive models encounter problems. For example, if the performance of a model decreases suddenly, a notification appears, which you can use to immediately investigate the cause of the problem.

For more information, see Accessing Prediction Studio notifications and Prediction Studio notification types.

Predictive models monitoring

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

In Prediction Studio, you can now monitor the predictive performance of your models to validate that they make accurate predictions. Based on that information, you can re-create or adjust the models to provide better business results, such as higher accept rates or decreased customer churn.

For more information, see Monitoring predictive models.

Kafka custom serializer

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

In Kafka data sets, you can now create and receive messages in your custom formats, as well as in the default JSON format. To use custom logic and formats for serializing and deserializing ClipboardPage objects, create and implement a Java class. When you create a Kafka data set, you can choose to apply JSON or your custom format that uses a PegaSerde implementation.

For more information, see Creating a Kafka data set and Kafka custom serializer/deserialized implementation.

Additional configuration options for File data sets

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

You can now create File data sets for more advanced scenarios by adding custom Java classes for data encryption and decryption, and by defining a file set in a manifest file.

Additionally, you can improve data management by viewing detailed information in the dedicated meta file for every file that is saved, or by automatically extending the filenames with the creation date and time.

For more information, see Creating a File data set for files on repositories and Requirements for custom stream processing in File data sets.

Production data sampling and migration for decision strategy simulations

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Pega Platform™ now supports the sampling and migration of data from the production environment to the simulation environment. The data that is migrated for simulations includes customer details, Adaptive Decision Management information, and interaction history. By running a simulation on that sample data in Pega Marketing™ or Pega Customer Decision Hub™, you can verify how the changes to your decision logic impact the results. You can use that information to optimize and adjust your decision algorithms and processes.

For more information, see Deploying sample production data to a simulation environment for testing.

Integrate text analytics with decision strategies through the Interaction API

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The Interaction API provides more context for making next-best-action decisions by integrating text analytics with decision management components such as strategies, propositions, and interaction history. By including natural language processing in your decisioning solution through the Interaction API, you ensure that the next-best-action decisions that you make are more informed and accurate.

For more information, see Customizable Interaction API for text analytics.

Simplified testing of event strategies

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

Evaluate event strategies by creating test runs. During each run, you can enter a number of sample events with simulated property values, such as the event time, the event key, and so on. By testing a strategy against sample data, you can understand the strategy configuration better and troubleshoot potential issues.

For more information, see Evaluate event strategies through test runs.

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