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More efficient mobile development

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

The work environment for mobile app developers in Pega Platform™ is now more intuitive. Because every new out-of-the-box application now comes with a preconfigured mobile channel, you can start building mobile apps straight away. Create a mobile channel from scratch, and then customize it to include specific requirements for your new app.

The following updates enhance the process of building mobile apps:

  • Your application stores all mobile channels as rules. You can reuse these channels across all versions of your mobile apps for more convenient updates.
  • You can now configure contextual search from the mobile channel.
  • You can now create native mobile list pages for the app navigation directly from the mobile channel.
  • You can now add pages from web portals to a mobile app navigation pane, with full support for native mobile features, such as floating action buttons.
  • Mobile channels now support configuration through predefined templates, widgets, and actions.
  • You can now instantly preview your mobile channel configuration to see how the app displays on mobile devices.
  • Configuration of offline support for mobile apps is now available from a single, low-code page.
  • The preview section now offers a low-code pane, from which you can instantly start building a mobile app.
  • The mobile channel now supports adding custom iOS and Android modules.
  • Admin Studio now supports a mobile page, from which you can provide your own Mobile Build Server credentials and decide whether users need to provide authentication to download your mobile app.

Expanded checks for Java injection vulnerabilities (8.4)

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

The Java injection vulnerability check feature has been enhanced in Pega Platform™ to further prevent Java injection, including Edit validate, Edit input, and JSP rules. Pega Platform reports errors at design time and run time, and does not run any rule that includes any of the following Java code:

  • JavaCompiler
  • new ProcessBuilder()
  • org.dita.dost.invoker
  • Runtime.getRuntime()

For more information, see Configuring the Java injection check.

Improved offline support for mobile apps

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

The updated offline mode in Pega Platform™ now reduces implementation time, enhances the development process, and helps you create a more comprehensive mobile experience for users without a reliable web connection.

The improved offline support includes the following enhancements:

  • Offline-enabled apps now use native mobile UI components, such as headers and bottom bars.
  • Offline mode now supports decision trees for improved case processing. 
  • Users can now process multiple cases simultaneously in separate offline tabs, which leads to higher productivity.
  • Offline-enabled apps now work more efficiently because of improved caching and background synchronization.

For more information, see Working with offline apps.

Mobile features deprecated in 8.4

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

Following the introduction of new functionalities for mobile apps, some features are reaching end of life. To avoid additional effort during updates to future releases, do not use deprecated features.

In the 8.4 release, the following features are no longer recommended:

  • Mobile Client 7 is now deprecated and planned for removal in 8.5. Use Pega Infinity Mobile Client to meet the mobile needs of your business.
  • The Reuse existing web portal functionality is deprecated and planned for removal in 8.5. For improved app performance and more efficient development, use the mobile app builder in the mobile channel. Also, you must convert existing projects to use separate channels for mobile and web portals before upgrading to 8.5.

In addition, the Pega Mobile Express app has been removed from app stores and replaced with the Pega Mobile Preview app.

Integrate your application with external Kafka clusters

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

Configure your application to use an external Kafka cluster for managing real-time data. By having an external Stream service provider, you can perform such maintenance tasks as an upgrade or hotfix deployment faster because external nodes do not require restarting.

For more information, see Externally managed Stream service.

Updated architecture of the data flow service

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

Benefit from improvements to data flow architecture that increase the stability of data flow runs and minimize the need for manual restarting of data flow jobs. Real-time data flows now use improved node rebalancing for better handling of failed or restarted nodes. If the topology changes, batch data flows no longer attempt to pause and resume the run. As such, there are fewer interactions with the database and between the nodes, resulting in the increased resilience of the Data Flow service.

If you are upgrading from a previous version of Pega Platform™, see Changes to the architecture of the Data Flow service for an overview of the changes to the Data Flow service compared to previous versions.

Changes to the architecture of the Data Flow service

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

In Pega Platform™ 8.4, the architecture of batch and real-time data flows uses improved node handling to increase the stability of data flow runs. As a result, there are fewer interactions with the database and between the nodes, resulting in increased resilience of the Data Flow service.

If you upgrade from a previous version of Pega Plaftorm, see the following list for an overview of the changes in the behavior of the Data Flow service compared to previous versions:


Nodes no longer communicate and trigger each other, but run periodic tasks instead. As such, triggering a new run does not cause the service nodes to immediately start the run. Instead, the run starts a few seconds later. The same applies to user actions such as stopping, starting, and updating the run. The system also processes topology changes as periodic tasks, so it might take a few minutes for new nodes to join runs, or for partitions to redistribute when a node leaves a run.

Updates to lifecycle actions

To make lifecycle actions more intuitive, the Stop action consolidates both the Stop and Pause actions. The Start action consolidates both the Resume and Start actions.

You can resume or restart stopped and failed runs with the Start and Restart actions. The Start action is only available for resumable runs and continues the run from where it stopped. The Restart action causes the run to process from the beginning. Completed runs can only be restarted. If a run completes with failures, you can restart it from the beginning, or process only the errors by using the Reprocess failures action.

Starting a run

New data flow runs have the Initializing status, and start automatically. You no longer need to manually start a new run, so the New status is now removed.

If there are no nodes available to process a run, the run gets the Queued status and waits for an available node.

Triggering pre- and post-activities

The system now triggers pre-activities on a random service node, rather than on the node that triggered the run.

The system triggers post-activities only for runs that complete, fail, or complete with failures. If you manually stop a run with the Stop action, the post-activity does not trigger. However, restarting the run with the Restart action triggers first the post-activity, and then the pre-activity.

You can no longer choose to run pre- and post-activities on all nodes.

Selecting a node fail policy

For resumable runs, you can no longer select a node fail policy. If a node fails, the partitions assigned to that node automatically continue the run on different nodes.

For non-resumable runs, you can choose to restart the partitions assigned to the failed node on different nodes, or to fail the partitions assigned to the failed node.

No service nodes and active runs

If the last data flow node for an in-progress run fails, the run remains in the In Progress state, even if no processing takes place. This behavior results from the fact that data flow architecture now prevents unrelated nodes from affecting runs.

Support for predictive models in PMML version 4.4

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Pega Platform™ now supports the import of predictive models in Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) version 4.4. With this feature, you can import PMML models that use the anomaly detection algorithm.

For a list of all supported PMML models, see Supported models for import


Low-code styling in mobile apps

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

The mobile channel now supports enhanced low-code styling and branding of mobile apps. For example, you can customize app icons in three different ways: by uploading an image, by selecting from a list of font icons, or by using the default text-based icons. This enhancement helps you to conveniently customize the look of mobile apps to match the branding guidelines of your company and provide a consistent experience for users across different channels.

For more information, see Applying a custom theme to mobile apps.

Offline support for Cosmos-based mobile apps

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Mobile apps that are based on the Cosmos design system now support offline mode. Previously, offline-enabled apps had to rely on the classic look. Now, you can use the low-code Cosmos solutions to design apps that operate reliably regardless of the connection status. 

For more information, see Designing apps for offline mode.

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