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Spell-check support for multiple locales

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

The spell checker in rich text editors now supports selection of the language of input. In previous releases, the locale of the user determined the language that the spell checker supported. In this release, you can change the default language support by adding locales to the appropriate decision table. This enhancement increases versatility and convenience for users by ensuring grammatical correctness for the language of their choice without the need for external tools.

For more information, see Extending the spell checker to other languages.

Enhanced optimized tables

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Optimized tables now come with a greater range of options, such as support for sorting and filtering cell content in embedded sections. The new options also include passing parameter values from a data page to a table instead of manually entering the values for each of the parameters. For example, you can mark an organization name as a parameter to pass into a table. The new enhancements facilitate the transition to the more efficient optimized tables, and save time and effort.

For more information, see Optimizing table code.

Improved support for working with cases in multiple browser tabs

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

The Cosmos design system now provides enhanced support for opening and working on cases in multiple browser tabs. Cases that users open in new browser tabs are processed independently and include the portal’s main navigation bar, which allows users to conveniently browse other pages on any tab.

Failed Robotic Assignments work queue type changed to Standard

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

The default Failed Robotic Assignments work queue type is now Standard. In previous releases, the default type was Robotic. For usage information, see Configuring a work queue for robotic automation.

Upgrade impact

After upgrading to Pega Platform 8.5 and later, you cannot save case types in which you configure the Queue for robot smart shape to route new assignments to the Failed Robotic Assignments work queue. Existing assignments that you routed to the Failed Robotic Assignments work queue are not affected.

How do I update my application to be compatible with this change?

As a best practice, do not use the Failed Robotic Assignments work queue in your custom implementations. Instead, configure the Queue for robot smart shape to route new assignments to a Robotic work queue. When possible, update existing case types to use the robotic work queues that you created in your application.

Improved identification and handling of code assembly errors

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Code assembly error logs are now more meaningful and help you identify root causes with better accuracy. Pega Platform™ now also invalidates erroneous assembly to facilitate successful reassembly when the code is accessed again. For example, if a section is not correctly assembled when a user first signs in to the system, the application attempts to reassemble that section the next time a user signs in. In this way, you can avoid lingering issues and improve stability.

Savable data pages support loading pages individually from a page list

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

You can now load individual pages in a page list from single object data pages to your case and data types. This functionality allows you to save autopopulated properties with the Load each page individually option using a flow action, save data page smart shape, or the activity method.

For more information, see Saving data in a data page as part of a flow.

Retention of mashup state on browser refresh

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Mashup configuration now includes an option to retain the state of the mashup after the user refreshes the browser that displays the mashup. In previous releases, when users refreshed a browser window with a case in a mashup, the system discarded the state of the case and then created a new case. Now, you can enable the mashup to use the values in the Clipboard tool from before the refresh. This enhancement helps users seamlessly continue their work after a browser refresh.

For more information, see Pega web mashups for embedding Pega Platform UI in external web pages.

Custom DX API attributes for auto-generated controls

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Auto-generated controls now include the option to add custom attributes for use with the Pega Digital Experience (DX) API. The attributes are part of the DX API response to the front end and you can use them to modify the run-time behavior of the UI elements in your application. For example, you can add an attribute to a field that displays a tooltip text for that field at run time. This enhancement introduces significant flexibility to application development and gives you greater control over UI components.

For more information, see Adding custom attributes for version 1 DX API to auto-generated controls.

Gadget configuration by using IAC gateway console is no longer supported

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

The Internet Application Composer (IAC) gateway was deprecated in Pega Platform™ 7.2.1 and is no longer supported. The IAC was used to embed a Pega Platform application, such as a gadget, on the pages of a web application that was located on your intranet, extranet, or internet site.

Upgrade impact

After an upgrade to Pega Platform 8.5, the configuration of gadgets through the IAC gateway console is no longer supported.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

To make subsequent changes to your current web mashup, use Pega Web Mashup. 

For more information, see Tutorial: Creating a mashup with Pega Web Mashup.

Email Wizard support discontinued

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

Pega Platform™ no longer includes the Email Wizard. This wizard helped set up an email service for sending and receiving email in Pega Platform. The wizard generated an email account, an email listener, and an email service rule.

After an upgrade to Pega Platform 8.4 and later, existing clients must create new email accounts and email channels in App Studio. When you configure a new email channel, you add your email accounts so that customers can send and receive email by using the Pega Email Bot. Configuration of an email channel automatically generates an email listener and service email rules.

For more information, see Creating an email account and Building an Email channel.

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