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Improved scroll functionality in vertical tabs

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

When you scroll content in an application that uses the Cosmos theme, the UI now remembers the scroll position even if you switch between vertical tabs, for example, in the case details section. Previously, the application reset the page to the topmost position every time you switched tabs. This update improves the user experience by reducing context switching.

Loading cues in Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

Pega Platform™ applications that rely on the Cosmos React framework now feature a visual placeholder for the page that is being loaded. The system displays an indicator when loading portals, cases, simple pages, and list pages. This update provides users with a visual cue that their request is being processed, which improves the user experience.

Support for picklists with parameterized data pages in App Studio in Cosmos React UI

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

You can now use data pages with parameters to populate a property of the picklist type with filtered results in App Studio. For example, in a survey case type, you can use a parameterized data page to configure cascading drop-down controls in which the values in a secondary drop-down list are based on the value that the user selects in the primary drop-down list. With dynamically-sourced picklists, you get greater flexibility in configuring picklists, and users see more accurate values.

For more information, see link Dropdown control Properties — General tab.

Enhanced performance and usability of Cosmos React tables

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

With the new Cosmos React tables, you can now handle large data sets with no impact on performance or user experience. Cosmos React tables now also come with a rich set of field-type specific column formats, which you can conveniently change at design time as well as at run time, depending on your needs. For example, you can now do the following actions:

  • Customize a date column from a default format (MMDDYY) to readable text ("10 days ago").
  • Save the new setting in your personalized view.
  • Freeze and rearrange columns.
  • Enable aggregations (sum, min, max, avg) on the number and currency fields.
  • Display aggregation values also at the grouped-row level.

The new enhancements make data in tables more easily explorable and significantly reduce the need to produce additional reports.

For more information, see Enhance the user experience with new Cosmos React tables (8.6)Configuring a React table in a section (for Theme Cosmos applications), and Configuring lists (for Cosmos React applications).

Enhancements in list view authoring and run-time editing of Cosmos React tables

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

Cosmos React tables now offer an enriched and more convenient way of authoring and editing. You can now achieve the following results:

  • Enable editing in the list view template that holds your table so that users can instantly change values inline or preview and edit a referenced object from the table in a pop-up window.
  • Change the label, format, or helper text for a column at design time.
  • Create multiple preset views with different filters, and switch between these views at run time.
  • Perform a variety of optional actions on a table row, such as update, change stage, preview, and open a row in a new tab.

These enhancements result in a better user experience by making tables more customizable, intuitive, and interactive.

For more information, see Enhance the user experience with new Cosmos React tables (8.6)Configuring a React table in a section (for Theme Cosmos applications), and Configuring lists (for Cosmos React applications).

Extended support for Cosmos React tables in Pega Infinity applications

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

Cosmos React tables are now available to Pega Infinity™ pages. Previously, when you enabled Cosmos React UI for landing pages in your application, you could add the React-based tables only to landing pages. With this enhancement, you can also embed tables in a section that is part of your case view or dashboard page.

For more information, see Adding a React table to a section.

Enhanced run-time behavior of the currency and number controls

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

The currency and number controls now display separators at run time, even as the user types the values. When the user enters more than three digits, a locale-dependent separator immediately groups the digits into thousands in real time. For example, when a user who is based in the U.S. types 100000, the input field displays the number as 100,000. The currency control additionally displays currency symbols at all times, whether the input field is in focus or not.

This enhancement improves clarity and the user experience because the user no longer needs to move away from the field to see the formatting of the input, and typing long strings of numbers is now more convenient.

For more information, see Controls.

Theme management in Cosmos React

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

App Studio now features an updated interface for managing the look of the theme in Cosmos React environments. The theming page enables you to quickly rebrand the theme's component library by selecting fonts, colors, and logos, while also displaying a live preview of the UI. This enhancement provides a more intuitive way to adjust the presentation options in your React-based application, which saves development time and encourages prototyping and experimentation.

For more information, see Defining themes in Cosmos React

Support for configuring and saving external data in App Studio

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

You can now configure a savable data plan to easily replace or update related data directly from App Studio, and persist those changes during the case lifecycle. This enhancement allows you to work directly in App Studio, without being limited to read-only access of data from case types.

Automation performance enhancements

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

To improve the performance of automation-based REST services and DX APIs, you can now configure JSON inputs and outputs in automation rules. The automation passes the JSON object directly to an automation-based REST service or DX API, eliminating the need to transform data on a page to JSON first. You can also take advantage of this enhancement if you are calling an automation from an activity. Additionally, you can simulate a JSON response in the automation rule and update the JSON sample if needed.

For more information, see <link TBD> and <link TBD>.

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