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Tabbed templates in portal authoring

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

Portal authoring in Pega Platform™ now includes tabbed templates that provide you with the tools to build complex user interfaces with less effort. The new templates help you save screen space and display the contents of your application in smaller, meaningful chunks.

For more information, see Configuring a tab-based landing page.

Deprecation of EAR deployments in Pega Platform 8.6

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

Starting with Pega Platform 8.6, EAR deployments of Pega Platform are deprecated. In the upcoming 8.7 release, EAR deployments will not be supported. The following rules that require EAR deployments will also be deprecated and no longer supported in Pega Platform 8.7:

  • Connect EJB
  • Connect JCA
  • JCA Resource Adapter
  • JMS MDB Listener
  • Service EJB

With this deprecation, you can use the latest tools and keep your application up to date. 

Upgrade impact

In Pega Platform 8.6, you can still create rules that require EAR deployments and update existing rules. However, after an upgrade to Pega Platform 8.7, rules that require EAR deployments are no longer supported.

What steps are required to update an application to be compatible with this change?

To prepare your application for this change well in advance of the Pega Platform 8.7 release, see the following table for a list of alternative rules and for guidance on modernizing your application.

Deprecated rule typeAlternative rule typeRecommended configuration
Connect EJBConnect RESTSubstitute legacy EJB resources with a REST API, and use REST connectors to interact with them.
Connect JCAConnect RESTSubstitute legacy JCA resources with a REST API, and use REST connectors to interact with them.
JCA Resource AdapterJCA resource adapters are data records that are used within the scope of a Connect JCA rule. If you replaced Connect JCA rules in your application with Connect REST rules, JCA resource adapters are no longer relevant.No further configuration is necessary.
JMS MDB ListenerJMS ListenerReplace JMS MDB Listener configurations with standard JMS Listener configurations.
Service EJBService RESTRedefine your EJB services as a set of RESTful service APIs, and invoke them over HTTP/HTTPS.

For information on the supported platforms that are affected by this deprecation, see Pega Platform 8.6 Support Guide.

Legacy Parse XML rule configurations must be upgraded to edit them

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

If your application has Parse XML rules that use the legacy configuration from Pega Platform 5.x, you cannot edit these rules after you upgrade to Pega Platform 8.6 until after you upgrade them to use tree-based parse rule configuration.

You must upgrade a Parse XML rule that you want to edit if it shows the following warning when you open it in Dev Studio.

This type of Parse XML rule is deprecated. An upgrade should be performed.

An option to upgrade also displays below the message.

Upgrade impact

Parse XML rules with the legacy configuration do not map data to the clipboard, and the rule definition is empty. After you upgrade to Pega Platform 8.6, you cannot edit Parse XML rules that you created in Pega Platform 5.x or earlier until you upgrade them to use tree-based parse rule configuration.

What steps are required to update an application to be compatible with this change?

Update legacy Parse XML rules to use tree-based parse rule configuration before you edit them in Pega Platform 8.6. Using tree-based parse rules is considered a best practice.

  1. Open the legacy Parse XML rule.
  2. On the Mapping tab, click Upgrade.
    Result: The Allow tree editing? check box is displayed and is automatically selected. You can add attributes and elements to the tree structure, or delete them.
  3. Save the upgraded rule configuration.

For more information, see Parse XML rules.

Connect MQ rules configured with alias queue do not work after upgrade

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

Connect MQ rules that you defined with an alias queue in earlier versions of Pega Platform do not work after an upgrade to Pega Platform 8.6.

Upgrade impact

If you defined an alias queue in Connect MQ rules, after an upgrade to Pega Platform 8.6, those Connect MQ rules do not work.

What steps are required to update an application to be compatible with this change?

In the Pega-IntegrationEngine ruleset, create the following dynamic system settings and their default values:

  • "mq/pmo" = 0
  • "mq/gmo" = 0
  • "mq/oo_request" = 1040
  • "mq/oo_response" = 16

For more information, see Creating a dynamic system setting.

Embedded properties in DX API v2 requests are no longer removed

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

In Pega Platform version 8.5, when you use the POST and PATCH v2 DX API methods with an embedded page property included in the content element of the request, the system removes all properties in the embedded page that are included in the case but are not a part of the request. Now, the merge logic has been modified to update embedded page fields sent up in the request, and keep other fields unchanged.

This feature simplifies client code and prevents data corruption.

Handlebars library update

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

Pega Platform version 8.6.4 uses the 4.7.7 version of the Handlebars template to generate client-side template files. The updated version, which is the latest available, introduces a wide variety of security fixes and new features that improve application reliability.

Tags disappear from Rich Text Editor source mode

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

When you use Rich Text Editor in HTML source mode, some tags disappear from the markup, which causes backward compatibility issues and data loss.


Pega Platform™ version 8.5.5 introduced the DOM Purifier security plugin. The plugin removes potentially vulnerable tags, including custom tags, from the raw HTML code in the Rich Text Editor source mode.


You can disable the DOM Purifier plugin by adding the the window.disableDomPurifier = true markup to the userWorkForm HTML fragment rule.

Alternatively, as of Pega Platform version 8.5.6, you can add a tag to the allow list by including the window.rteCustomAllowedTags = ['myCustomTag'] snippet in the userWorkForm HTML fragment rule. 

In Pega Platform versions 8.5.6 to 8.6, the iframe tag is added to the allow list by default.

Extended currency control

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.4

The currency control can now display a different currency than the locale currency. This means a user in one country can view amounts that are designated in a foreign currency, using that currency's international conventions.  For example, a credit card transaction in Germany might need to be posted in US dollars. 

Responsive layout groups and grids

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.4

The Responsive UI was introduced in Version 7.1, and has now been enhanced in two areas, to create an entirely responsive UI.


PRPC 7.1.4 introduces the Layout Group control, which can render its contents as “tabs,” “accordions,” or as a “menu.”  The rendering choice is driven through the presentation layout (the skin), which presents the information responsively:  a “tab” at a certain breakpoint can turn into an “accordion” or a dropdown-style menu, depending upon what format would be most appropriate for the device/screen size being used.


The grid functionality has also been enhanced, so that grids may be displayed on a tablet or a phone without the need for horizontal scrolling, offering the optimum experience on a mobile device.  A PRPC Grid Layout now supports responsive breakpoints in the skin definition in which columns can drop off or be consolidated according to screen size.


Designers will be able to mark columns in the grid by importance, and at the first breakpoint, the columns marked as “less important” will be dropped off first.  At the second breakpoint, the grid turns into a “fat list,” with the most important column displaying as a heading for each item in the “fat list.”  Styling options can be associated with these breakpoints.

Improved accessibility support

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.4

PRPC support for accessibility has been enhanced to allow applications to better meet the standards of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 2.0 AA. 

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