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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Simplified creation of case types

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.8

A wizard is now available in the Case Type Explorer that walks you through the process of creating a case type. Helper text and default values gradually introduce you to stage-based case types to facilitate your transition from the wizard to Case Designer. To run the wizard, click Add a case type or select Add a child case type from the menu of an existing case type in the Case Type Explorer.

For more information about this wizard, see Case type wizard in the Case Type Explorer

Enhanced options for resolution stages

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.8

When configuring a stage that resolves cases in Case Designer, you can now:

  • Create a new resolution status.
  • Select the status that is assigned to a case when it completes the last step in the stage.
  • Instruct your application to close all open assignments when a case is resolved.

At run time, the audit trail of a case includes entries that capture the time that the case was resolved and open assignments were closed. To access the configuration options for a resolution stage, click Resolve the case on the General tab of the contextual property panel in Case Designer.

For more information about configuring a resolution stage, see Options for a stage that resolves cases.

Support for following users in the Pega Express and Case Manager portals

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now follow users in both the Pega Express and Case Manager portals. Posts that are made by users whom you are following are displayed in your Pulse activity feed in your dashboard. In addition, an icon indicates whether followed users are online.

For more information, see the following help topics:

Enhancements to the Send Email smart shape

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The following enhancements have been made to the Send Email smart shape:

  • You can now configure the Send Email smart shape in Pega Express.
  • You can use templates, such as a rejection template, in your email.
  • You can use property values, which allow you to insert the value of a field in your case type, such as First Name, within the email.
  • You can insert a link to the case ID in your email.
  • You can more quickly configure your recipient list by using two options, instead of one, to send messages to either a list of email addresses or to fields.
  • You can choose to send either all case attachments in an email, or you can send attachments of a specified attachment category or an attachment type field. You can specify multiple attachment categories and attachment type fields.

For more information, see the following help topics:

Multistatus case dependencies replace custom implementations

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now quickly define a case dependency that supports variations of a resolved status, such as Resolved-Completed and Resolved-Rejected. Because the definition of a resolved case now includes all status values that start with the word “Resolved,” you can replace custom logic in your application with a Wait shape that you configure in a flow.

For more information about defining a case dependency, see:

Cases no longer locked when followed

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Work party properties of the type follower are no longer associated with the cases that you follow. Cases are no longer locked when you follow them, so now all users can follow a case. If you upgrade to Pega 7.3, you can run a utility to upgrade the cases that you are following so that they are no longer locked when they are followed.​

For more information, see Upgrading cases and followers.

Send event notifications in Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can configure applications to notify users of case changes or other significant events that occur in an application. Use notifications to engage application users by providing key updates that might be of interest to them.

You can deliver notifications over the default web gadget and email channels or use a custom channel that you created. You can configure multiple web gadgets to display different kinds of notifications. The email channel supports notification frequency of instant, daily, or weekly.

Application users can set their own notification preferences in the run-time portals or override the set preferences for a specific case type instance.

For more information, see Sending event notifications and Management of user notification preferences.

Multiple notifications are delivered for the same Pulse post

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

When a user posts a Pulse comment, the users who subscribe to the activity feed might receive more than one notification if the posted comment triggers several notification rules.

For example, when a user posts a comment on a case that he or she follows, any response to the comment can result in the following notifications:

  • Notification when a new comment is posted on the followed case (triggers the pyAddPulsePost notification definition)
  • Notification when a comment is a response to the user’s original post (triggers the pyAddPulsePost notification definition)
  • Notification when the user is mentioned in the comment (triggers the pyAddUserMentionedPost notification definition)

Pulse Extension points are deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Beginning with Pega® Platform 7.3, Pulse uses the notifications feature to send notifications. As a result, Pulse extension points for email body, subject, and recipient list have been deprecated. Preferences set for Pulse notifications in earlier versions are no longer valid.

Use the alternatives listed in the following table to configure your Pulse message and notification preferences.

Deprecated extension pointAlternative extension pointCorresponding notification rule
pyInstantPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost
pyReplyPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost
pyMentionsPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionsInNonCaseContext (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyNewPulsePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyNewPulseFilePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyNewPulseReplySubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyMentionedUserSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionedFollowerSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionedFollowerWithFilePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyGetListOfEmailReceivers (Activity)D_pxGetCaseFollowers (Data page)pyAddPulsePost

To continue using the deprecated extension points, override the pyInvokepxNotify when rule and set it to return false.

For more information, see Management of user notification preferences.

New delivery method for Pega Survey

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The functionality of Pega Survey is now provided by a standard ruleset in the Pega® Platform. This new delivery method keeps your survey capabilities in sync with the latest features and speeds up development because you no longer need to install or maintain a separate archive.

You must purchase a separate license to use survey capabilities in your application.

For more information about surveys, see the Pega Survey product page.

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