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Create pluggable web storage components for case and Pulse attachments

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now implement and post your own pluggable web storage components for use with case and Pulse attachments. These web components can be plugged in to Pega® Platform without the need to make changes to Pega Platform itself. The ability to create a pluggable web storage component is useful when you want to use a web storage provider that does not have an existing pluggable web storage component.

For more information, see Guidelines for creating pluggable components for storing and sourcing case and Pulse attachments.

Case types and data types open in a landing page

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

In Pega® Express, Case Designer and the Data Designer now open in a landing page rather than a modal dialog. This enhancement improves the user experience for creating and updating case types and data types.

Support for Couchbase Server NoSQL database

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Pega® Platform can now read data from and write data to a Couchbase Server database. Couchbase is a NoSQL database that you can use when a NoSQL database better meets your scalability and processing requirements.

For a list of supported and unsupported features, see Couchbase Server support.

Deprecated support for Microsoft ActiveX controls

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Beginning with Pega Platform 7.3, Microsoft ActiveX controls are no longer supported in any version of the Pega Platform, and technical support for ActiveX is limited. It is recommended that you use HTML-based, cross-browser solutions for improved performance and greater security.

For more information, see Deprecation of ActiveX controls in Pega Platform.

Tab groups are deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Beginning with Pega 7.3, tab groups have been replaced with layout groups, which offer better performance and flexibility. Tab groups are based on the Yahoo User Interface (YUI) library, which is no longer supported on the Pega 7 Platform.

User interface rule forms now use layout groups instead of tab groups to place layouts in forms.

For more information, see Adding a Layout Group.

Layout groups support icons and titles in headers

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now include icons or cells to enhance the design of layout group headers. On the properties panel, select Include icon with title under Container settings to add icons and titles in the layout headers. Also, the layout group control can now refresh the content of a dynamic layout if the layout is active.

For more information, see Adding a Layout Group.

Edit sections in Pega Express at run time

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can enable editing of sections that were created by a template. Run-time editing allows Pega Express business users to identify and edit sections that contain content. You mark sections as editable by selecting the Allow section to be edited at runtime check box on the Settings tab of the section. For more information, see Run-time editing of sections in Pega Express.

Node types renamed after upgrade from Pega 7.2.2 to Pega Platform 7.3

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

If you used node classification in Pega® 7.2.2, when you upgrade to Pega 7.3, node type names are automatically changed to a new name when you start a node with a node type.

  • UniversalNode becomes Universal
  • WebUserNode becomes WebUser
  • BackgroundProcessingNode becomes BackgroundProcessing
  • BIXNode becomes BIX
  • SearchNode becomes Search

If you created agents in Pega 7.2.2, agent schedules are also automatically updated with a new name during the upgrade. For more information, see Customized agent schedules for standard Pega Platform agents must be updated after Pega 7.2.2 to Pega Platform 7.3 upgrade and the appropriate Deployment Guide.

Data Import wizard supports all Microsoft Excel default formats

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The Data Import wizard for data types now supports all Microsoft Excel default date formats. Dates are easier to handle and you are alerted before data is imported if the date format is not supported.

For more information about supported date and time formats, see Date and time formats supported by the Data Import wizard for data types.

Property-level security for full-text search

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Property-level security has been added to full-text search so that you can limit access to sensitive data. From the Search landing page, you can specify whether to include properties with access control policies in search results. In addition, for custom search, you can select which properties to include in full-text search by selecting options on the Search landing page and Custom Search properties instance.

For more information, see Specifying custom search properties and Excluding properties with access control policies from search results.

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