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Your application can be a SAML service provider

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

You can quickly establish your application as a SAML service provider, with a web SSO profile, SOAP binding, and HTTP redirect binding to support single logout binding. The service is interoperable with Ping Identity, Tivoli Federated Identity Manager, and many other leading identity service providers (ISPs).

Manage data from different sources using data sets

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

Data sets define collections of records, allowing you to set up instances that make use of data abstraction to represent information stored in different sources and formats. This new rule type introduces the ability to manage data in database tables, decision data stores, and Visual Business Director data sources. Standard Interaction History and Adaptive Manager data sets manage interaction results and adaptive model data. The DataSet-Execute method supports data management operations on records that are defined by the data set. For more information on this new rule type, see About Data Set rules.

Data flow orchestration

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

Data flows provide a pattern-guided design experience to orchestrate, combine and sequence data based on a set of instructions from source to destination. You can run and manage data flows using the Data Flows landing page. For more information on this new rule type, see About Data Flow rules.

Flow action and attachment category rule types moved to Process category

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

The flow action and attachment category rule types now appear in the Process category within the Record and Application Explorers. Previously, they were in the User Interface and Security categories, respectively.

Adaptive Decision Manager installation changes to support delayed learning

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

To support delayed adaptive learning, Adaptive Decision Manager (ADM) has been enhanced with database schema changes and no longer relies on Hibernate. This change has an impact in the way ADM is set up in the Decision Management service layer: the jdbc/admDataSource resource is now superseded by jdbc/adm7DataSource.

Additionally, Pega 7.1.7 further simplifies the ADM deployment by providing a single enterprise application or web archive:

  • Single EAR deployment archive that can used when deploying ADM on IBM WebSphere and Oracle WebLogic
  • Single WAR deployment archive that can be used when deploying ADM on Tomcat and JBoss

Maintainable warning, error, and tip information

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

Use the redesigned Message form to define warning, error, tip, or custom category information in your application. Encapsulating these details in a message makes them easier to maintain and review. After you have created a new warning, you can quickly add it to a rule in your application using the new pxAddGuardrailMessage function.

For more information on the tabs and available fields on the Message form, see About Message rules.

Report Viewer provides simplified user experience

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

In the Report Viewer, improvements simplify the user experience when working with reports. Column headers display initial sort order and type, and you can hover over a column header to display and use its context menu, which includes options for ad-hoc sorting and filtering. Developers can specify various pagination modes and set an option to keep the header in view while users scroll through the report.

For more information, see Report Viewer.

Easy-to-browse warning catalog

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

All Pega 7 warnings have been converted to Rule-Message instances, each with a clearly written, risk mitigation path. This allows you to use the Records Explorer to browse through all warnings in the system, organized by category. To view warnings associated with specific rules in your application, refer to the Application Guardrails landing page.

Enhanced BIX file naming

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

To help clarify file names, BIX extract output files and manifest files can now contain parameters. Parameters can include the rule name, the extract's run time and date, and a unique run sequence number. Special characters such as spaces, hyphens, or number signs (#) in the output or manifest file name are converted to underscores. In addition, the pxExtractIdentifier and pxExtractDateTime columns have been added to the .csv output file.

For more information, see Extracting data with BIX and Extract rules - completing the File Specification tab.

Communicate guardrail compliance with the pxAddGuardrailMessage function

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

Now that guardrail warnings are in the model, you can easily attach them to rules in your application using the new pxAddGuardrailMessage function. Call this function to display warnings to your application users when they do not adhere to guardrails or best practices. Adopting this function in your application allows you to:

  • Use localizable Rule-Message instances that are categorized by severity and application impact.
  • Add dynamic warnings to your rules by passing parameters to a standard or custom message.
  • Stop using and maintaining hard coded strings.

Design time view of warning messages

Run time view of an attached warning

This function supersedes the addWarning function, which has been deprecated. You can continue to use the CheckForCustomWarnings extension point, but it is recommended that you convert hard coded strings to messages and migrate any dependencies on addWarning to pxAddGuardrailMessage.

For more information on message attaching techniques, see Working with messages.

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