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Published Release Notes

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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.


Valid from Pega Version 7.1.4

Critical customer-driven product improvements were made to SOAP services, SOAP connectors and connector wizard, CMIS connectors, and the Pega Image Viewer. These fixes addressed a handful of functionality gaps discovered in PRPC 7.1 and earlier releases by internal and external customers.

  • A Connect-CMIS instance which was created using a reference to an ATOM Server Instance may now use Global Resource Settings.
  • The Execute Synchronously (one-way operation) has been enhanced for SOAP Services.
  • The Silverlight version of PegaImageViewer has been enhanced to print ranges of multiple pages at once.
  • The SOAP Wizard has been improved to show all the ports which are available in the WSDL file.
  • Two way SSL has been enhanced for the Connect-REST rule.


Reporting & Data

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.4

This release fixed many existing unlocalizable elements in 7.1 reporting interfaces (The Report Viewer, Report Editor, Chart Editor, and the Report Browser) and now they are fully localizable. Changes were made to make Listview, summaryview,  and report viewer display possible WCAG 2.0 level A and AA support.

  • Parameters may now be used in a sub-report join condition.
  • Report Definition localization has been enhanced.
  • Standalone ListViews with embedded SmartInfo have been improved to resize appropriately when the SmartInfo section is expanded.
  • The data section of a report will now display in all of the available space when a fixed header option is selected.
  • When localizing a listview with filters, tool tips are translated.

System Management

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.4

Refinements were made to out-of-place upgrade documentation and processes, as well as for how handling is performed for all of the database vendor specific nuances related to a deploying into a split schema environment.

  • A script was created to run the data schema upgrade for z/OS systems.
  • In a split-schema configuration, indexing has been enhanced.
  • The product installer has been enhanced.
  • The stand-alone Static Assembly Utility does not require a password for its process.
  • The UpdateManager tool has been improved.

User Interface

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.4

This release had a focus around improving support for accessibility for all the PRPC UI Components as well as extending capabilities for responsive design with grids and tabs. A series of cosmetic changes and fixes are included.

  • Improvements have been made for action items being opened in a dynamic container.
  • Row repeat functionality in sections has been improved to better handle source properties.
  • Screen layouts have been optimized for the iPhone platform
  • The display on dynamic containers has been enhanced to provide the same behavior for both single-mode and multi-mode.
  • The Launch Harness feature has been improved to launch into a pop-up window.
  • The operator menu will now display from the Case Manager portal.
  • The Primary Page functionality has been enhanced for control-defined Repeating Tab Headers.
  • Using local actions defined as modal windows has been enhanced to work in an iPAD using a Safari browser.
  • When using a modal dialog to open a flow action in a repeat grid, to add an item to the list, users may now cancel out of this dialog if no changes are needed.

Node description cannot match application server node name

Valid from Pega Version 6.3 SP1

A node's Short Description should not be the same value as the application server node name. If the node's Short Description is changed to be the same value as the application server node name, then the node description is automatically changed back to the original value after a system restart.

Prediction Studio notifications

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Prediction Studio now displays notifications when adaptive or predictive models encounter problems. For example, if the performance of a model decreases suddenly, a notification appears, which you can use to immediately investigate the cause of the problem.

For more information, see Accessing Prediction Studio notifications and Prediction Studio notification types.

Production data sampling and migration for decision strategy simulations

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Pega Platform™ now supports the sampling and migration of data from the production environment to the simulation environment. The data that is migrated for simulations includes customer details, Adaptive Decision Management information, and interaction history. By running a simulation on that sample data in Pega Marketing™ or Pega Customer Decision Hub™, you can verify how the changes to your decision logic impact the results. You can use that information to optimize and adjust your decision algorithms and processes.

For more information, see Deploying sample production data to a simulation environment for testing.

Integrate text analytics with decision strategies through the Interaction API

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The Interaction API provides more context for making next-best-action decisions by integrating text analytics with decision management components such as strategies, propositions, and interaction history. By including natural language processing in your decisioning solution through the Interaction API, you ensure that the next-best-action decisions that you make are more informed and accurate.

For more information, see Customizable Interaction API for text analytics.

BIX ruleset is now included with Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The Pega Business Intelligence Exchange™ (BIX) ruleset is now included with Pega Platform™, which eliminates the need for additional provisioning for Pega Cloud customers and for a separate BIX installation for on-premises customers. To add BIX to your application, add the Pega-BIX:<version> ruleset to your application rulesets.

For more information, see Data extraction.

Upgrade impact

After a successful upgrade, the BIX ruleset is available within Pega Platform. You should synchronize the BIX ruleset and Pega rules to avoid extraction errors.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

After the upgrade is complete, change the ruleset version for Pega Platform and BIX to use the same, latest version.

Set a time zone for the DateTime control

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The DateTime control now supports the selection of a specific time zone. Apart from the default local time zone, you can choose a Java-supported time zone or enter a property. For example, you can make it easier for a manager working in New York to schedule a task for a worker in London by configuring a calendar picker on user forms to show a date and time for Europe/London.

Beginning with this release, the calendar picker defaults to the current time in the time zone that is defined in the operator record. Previously, it defaulted to the local time zone of the system.

For more information, see Specifying a time zone for a DateTime control.

Upgrade impact

After a successful upgrade, the DateTime gadget displays the time in the current operator's locale, which is defined on the operator rule form or in the browser.  

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

If you need to display the system time from which the user has logged in, and if this is not the same as the time in the user's locale (based on the browser setting), set the Locale field in the operator ID to be blank so that the browser-based setting and the displayed time are the same as the system time.

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