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Using Kerberos authentication with your database

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

Pega 7 supports Kerberos functionality. Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol which allows nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. 


To use Kerberos for authentication, you must use the command line to install or upgrade Pega 7.


To use Kerberos authentication:

1.  Change the file.

a.  In the “Uncomment this property section” of the file, uncomment the property.  Based on your security infrastructure, different properties may be required as parameters to this property; provide the needed properties as semicolon-delimited name/value pairs:;prop2=val2;prop3=val3;

Example:  For an installation on a MSSQL database server from a Windows client machine (where both machines belong to the same Windows domain), using the Microsoft JDBC driver, the property may be set as follows:;


b.  Comment out all the username and password properties where they occur in the file, so that they appear as follows:

# pega.jdbc.username db username
# pega.jdbc.password db password

[lines removed here]

# pega.jdbc.username=ADMIN
# pega.jdbc.password=ADMIN


2.  Set up your database to enable Kerberos functionality.  This may include additional vendor-specific JDBC driver configuration, or other setup procedures.  Check the documentation from your database vendor to determine what Kerberos setup is needed for your database.


3.  Run the command line installation or upgrade by following the instructions found in the Pega 7 Deployment guides.

Run cleanup.bat/sh script only before upgrading

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

Prior to upgrading the rulebase, you can optionally run the cleanup.bat/sh script to remove older rules from the database.

Run this script before you upgrade your rulebase, or the script may delete needed rulesets. For more information about running the cleanup.bat/sh script, refer to the Upgrade Guide specific to your release version.

When using Oracle, left outer joins in reports may return incorrect results

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.1

When using  Pega 7 with Oracle , reports that use left outer joins may return incorrect results.

This is an Oracle known issue.  To resolve this behavior, upgrade to Oracle, apply the Oracle patch 16726638 by requesting it directly from Oracle, or, for Microsoft Windows installations, apply Windows Bundle patch or later.

For more information in this behavior, see:

Prediction Studio notifications

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Prediction Studio now displays notifications when adaptive or predictive models encounter problems. For example, if the performance of a model decreases suddenly, a notification appears, which you can use to immediately investigate the cause of the problem.

For more information, see Accessing Prediction Studio notifications and Prediction Studio notification types.

Production data sampling and migration for decision strategy simulations

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Pega Platform™ now supports the sampling and migration of data from the production environment to the simulation environment. The data that is migrated for simulations includes customer details, Adaptive Decision Management information, and interaction history. By running a simulation on that sample data in Pega Marketing™ or Pega Customer Decision Hub™, you can verify how the changes to your decision logic impact the results. You can use that information to optimize and adjust your decision algorithms and processes.

For more information, see Deploying sample production data to a simulation environment for testing.

Integrate text analytics with decision strategies through the Interaction API

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The Interaction API provides more context for making next-best-action decisions by integrating text analytics with decision management components such as strategies, propositions, and interaction history. By including natural language processing in your decisioning solution through the Interaction API, you ensure that the next-best-action decisions that you make are more informed and accurate.

For more information, see Customizable Interaction API for text analytics.

BIX ruleset is now included with Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The Pega Business Intelligence Exchange™ (BIX) ruleset is now included with Pega Platform™, which eliminates the need for additional provisioning for Pega Cloud customers and for a separate BIX installation for on-premises customers. To add BIX to your application, add the Pega-BIX:<version> ruleset to your application rulesets.

For more information, see Data extraction.

Upgrade impact

After a successful upgrade, the BIX ruleset is available within Pega Platform. You should synchronize the BIX ruleset and Pega rules to avoid extraction errors.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

After the upgrade is complete, change the ruleset version for Pega Platform and BIX to use the same, latest version.

Set a time zone for the DateTime control

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The DateTime control now supports the selection of a specific time zone. Apart from the default local time zone, you can choose a Java-supported time zone or enter a property. For example, you can make it easier for a manager working in New York to schedule a task for a worker in London by configuring a calendar picker on user forms to show a date and time for Europe/London.

Beginning with this release, the calendar picker defaults to the current time in the time zone that is defined in the operator record. Previously, it defaulted to the local time zone of the system.

For more information, see Specifying a time zone for a DateTime control.

Upgrade impact

After a successful upgrade, the DateTime gadget displays the time in the current operator's locale, which is defined on the operator rule form or in the browser.  

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

If you need to display the system time from which the user has logged in, and if this is not the same as the time in the user's locale (based on the browser setting), set the Locale field in the operator ID to be blank so that the browser-based setting and the displayed time are the same as the system time.

Support for machine learning as a service models

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

In Pega Platform™, you can now run advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence models that you develop in third-party tools. By configuring a connection with an external machine learning as a service provider, such as Google AI Platform, you can use the predictive power of your custom models to improve the predictions in your customer strategies.

For more information, see Connecting to a Machine Learning as a Service model and Configuring a machine learning service connection.

Accelerated design of sections

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The user interface design of your application now supports actions such as copy, paste, or delete on multiple user interface components at the same time. This enhancement accelerates the user interface design in Dev Studio when you work with templates and in App Studio when you design the sections of your run-time interface.

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