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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-C84361 · Issue 437601

Added handling for better recovery and reset when using 'When' conditional row deletion

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

Given a 'When' condition configured so that a specific row could be deleted, trying to delete another row resulted in the expected error indicating it was not possible to delete that particular row. However, attempting to then delete the row with the 'When' condition caused the same failure error to appear which could not be cleared through clicking on the Refresh button for the section. In order to resolve this, handling has been added for a scenario where Obj-Delete fails and the record is marked for deferred commit. In this situation, the system will revert Obj-Delete by way of Obj-Save-Cancel in @baseclass.pzDeleteRecord so that a subsequent Obj-Delete does not pick up the previous record and fail again.

SR-C93726 · Issue 435287

Work status icons work correctly when using localization

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

The pyWorkAssignmentStatus control was not displaying the status flags/icons for localized work status values due to a match failure caused by the system using the localized text for the pyAssignmentStatus to perform a string comparison against the hard-coded English values. To correct this, the control pyWorkAssignmentStatus has been modified to run the comparisons with the new string "assignmentStatus" instead of with the localized text.

SR-C97873 · Issue 437282

Added check to maintain key value when using collapseAllMenu in child navigation menu

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

After a navigation menu had a child added as reference navigation menu that used the function collapseAllMenus, the screen was freezing if a link was clicked in the added child navigation and a javascript error appeared on the console screen. This was traced to an improper key being set in sessionStorage object in setItem due to the nesting, and has been corrected by adding a check in sessionstorage setitem to maintain the proper key value.

SR-C91220 · Issue 430364

Modified pzpega_ui_dynamiccontainer to resolve issue with editing the Operator rule form when using IE

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

The Operator rule form was not opening a second time after being updated in IE. The form worked as expected with other browsers. This has been resolved by modifying the openRuleByKeys function in pzpega_ui_dynamiccontainer to pass a new cloned object to the JSON.stringify function instead of the embedded object.

SR-D564 · Issue 438147

Removed job for column population when it is not needed

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

While optimizing the data type class properties, the column population job failed with the exception "ERROR - Exception in column population ... column pc1.pzinskey does not exist". Although there was no impact from this error, the SQL exceptions in logs could cause confusion. This has been resolved by updating the system so that if the table has no pzinskey or stream columns, no job will be queued for column population.

SR-C94042 · Issue 432440

Resolved JSON exception with refreshrow used for navigation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

After upgrade, a custom implementation of a grid that had a menu configured on right click of the row for the category/description in the uploaded case attachments was not working. This was traced to the RefreshRow(non-list) action generating quotes that made the JSON invalid for a navigation rule, and has been fixed by modifying pzProcessRefreshRowItem to remove quotes from navigation refreshrow action generation.

SR-C90358 · Issue 433297

Updated Attach Content Control for use in repeat grid

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

When using Attach Content Control in a repeat grid, selecting a file via attachcontent control and submitting the page resulted in the message "The operation completed successfully, but returned no content". This was traced to the newassignPage being removed after closing the modal, causing finishassignment to fail. To resolve this, the Attach Content Control function has been modified to set the needed grid attributes for desktop implementation to ensure newAssignPage will be available to the attach content modal action.

SR-C98214 · Issue 435685

Decision Table keeps proper values when a column is deleted

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

When the first column in a Decision Table was deleted and the rule saved, the value that was in the second column was replaced in the first row. This has been corrected.

SR-D1716 · Issue 438109

Fixed expand when issue on dymanic layout with custom header

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

After upgrade, a Dynamic layout with collapsible type Container setting which included a custom section to show the text and image in place of text had an 'expand when' condition applied that caused the entire dynamic layout to be malformed and show the raw HTML code if there was an error. This was traced to the system rendering the dynamic layout in non-template form if the header has a JSP section include, leading to the expandable layout header div HTML elements getting mixed up with the custom header sections HTML code due to the aria-label attributes. This has been resolved by removing the section stream from aria-label in RUF - GridHeaderElements.

SR-D392 · Issue 438873

Behavior reset for using getLocalizedValue with an input string containing parentheses

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

After upgrade, the getLocalizedValue function was not returning any value if the input string contained parentheses. This was a difference in behavior caused by a missed use case when correcting another issue, and has been resolved by resetting the system to the previous behavior of getLocalizedValue returning a localized string in cases where a Field value/Rule message is present, or otherwise returning the exact input string.

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