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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-143908 · Issue 606549

Data Page Save correct in batch mode

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

After configuring a List type savable Data Page with save activity in Code-Pega-List, the save data page was triggered from utility of flow from the queue processor to handle queueing 10k data items and creating 10k work objects. When this was run, a field dpClassName was being changed by different threads in This has been resolved by making the class stateless to ensure thread safety.

SR-C39203 · Issue 379154

Interaction ID retains decimal integrity for external SOAP XML

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

Parse XML was incorrectly mapping numeric value to decimal property when the SOAP request was called from outside Pega. The SOAP XML contains a Pega DSM interaction ID, which is a long numeric value. During the handling the interaction ID is mapped to a decimal property, but the number lost precision and became incorrect. To correct this, the mapping has been made more precise so the integrity of the ID number is maintained.

SR-C44548 · Issue 384154

Interaction ID retains decimal integrity for external SOAP XML

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

Parse XML was incorrectly mapping numeric value to decimal property when the SOAP request was called from outside Pega. The SOAP XML contains a Pega DSM interaction ID, which is a long numeric value. During the handling the interaction ID is mapped to a decimal property, but the number lost precision and became incorrect. To correct this, the mapping has been made more precise so the integrity of the ID number is maintained.

INC-174661 · Issue 678822

Handling added for clearing node killed between assignment and processing

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

An Offer flow was not resuming after it expired according to the wait shape. Investigation traced this to partitions which were assigned to a dead node in NEW state where they were not picked up by the dataflow. The problem was only encountered in the unusual situation when a dataflow node was killed in the brief period of time between the assignment and the processing, and has been resolved by adding an update which will clear unknown new assigned partitions for the batch run health task.

SR-C28691 · Issue 371875

Waterfall segment issues fixed

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

After upgrade, issues were seen with waterfall segments with more than 10 groups in a set: 1) While deleting a criteria in a group, the control went to the top and did not come back. This has been fixed by adding code to get the name attribute using getAttribute().2) While moving groups up and down, the control went to the top and it was necessary to scroll down to find the rule. This was due to Menu options containing the refresh parent section request which was losing the focus. Code has been added to set the focus on the control from the point where the menu is getting launched.

SR-C28691 · Issue 371980

Waterfall segment issues fixed

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

After upgrade, issues were seen with waterfall segments with more than 10 groups in a set: 1) While deleting a criteria in a group, the control went to the top and did not come back. This has been fixed by adding code to get the name attribute using getAttribute().2) While moving groups up and down, the control went to the top and it was necessary to scroll down to find the rule. This was due to Menu options containing the refresh parent section request which was losing the focus. Code has been added to set the focus on the control from the point where the menu is getting launched.

SR-C42819 · Issue 382453

Enhancement added to configure location for data import error CSV file

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

An enhancement has been added to allow the Data Import Error CSV file location configurable through the addition of the property pyErrorFileStorage. This property needs to be set before the input process is started and supports only filespec syntax. It should contain the fileStorage location like file://defaultstore:/ , file://amazons3:/, etc. The value can be set to any of the available repositories and the error file will be placed accordingly in the respective repository. This process is more flexible than DSS, and allows the site to configure different locations for different imports in the same application. If no value is passed to the import process, Defaultstore will be used.

SR-C49906 · Issue 389638

Unreachable nodes kept on the services landing page for clarity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

Trying to start or create and start a Capture Activity DF was failing with a timeout error because the services landing page did not display a node if it was not available on pr_sys_nodes table (which can be the case after cleanup or truncation of that table). This created conflicts on stream service since it acts different on different numbers of nodes being available. To fix this, the system has been modified from relying on the sys_status_nodes table to get information about unreachable nodes to instead now assume it used to be a service node if it's on the list of nodes. and keep the unreachable status.

INC-145293 · Issue 674901

Additional diagnostic logging added for ElasticSearch startup issues

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

The PyIndexerState was stuck in Starting status during node initialization. This issue could occur if the filesystem became hung due to network level issue while scanning entries from /etc/mtab, resulting in a lock which was not released correctly. In order to better determine which node entry in a cluster may be responsible for the hang, an update has been made which will use a temporary virtual environment to repeat the part of the initialization phase responsible and generate additional logs for debugging. To activate this, the PegaSearch.Diagnostics logger must be set in DEBUG mode. This duplicated virtual initialization will not interrupt the normal initialization.

INC-146572 · Issue 603294

iniGadgets updated to support jQuery with Mashup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

Mashup gadgets were not loaded during browser refresh when the host page had a jQuery in it. This issue occurred while trying to find the gadget divs. There is an 'if' condition to check if $ is available in initGadgets method. In this scenario, this 'if' block was getting executed and mashup gadget divs were returned as empty. As a result. mashup was not getting loaded. This has been resolved by updating the iniGadgets method to check for jQuery instead of $.

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