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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-230101 · Issue 738063

Menu button no longer steals focus on dismissal

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Action menus in the portal harness were stealing focus from input fields in the work harnesses. This was an unintended side effect of work done to correct an issue where focus was not correctly remaining in the table layout, and has been resolved by updating the control menu to avoid the explicit focus in the hideNode function when the menu is already dismissed.

INC-232518 · Issue 741154

Menu button no longer steals focus on dismissal

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Action menus in the portal harness were stealing focus from input fields in the work harnesses. This was an unintended side effect of work done to correct an issue where focus was not correctly remaining in the table layout, and has been resolved by updating the control menu to avoid the explicit focus in the hideNode function when the menu is already dismissed.

INC-232528 · Issue 737800

Menu button no longer steals focus on dismissal

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Action menus in the portal harness were stealing focus from input fields in the work harnesses. This was an unintended side effect of work done to correct an issue where focus was not correctly remaining in the table layout, and has been resolved by updating the control menu to avoid the explicit focus in the hideNode function when the menu is already dismissed.

INC-144522 · Issue 612322

Portal primarythread copied to workprocessing thread to establish proper class

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Attempting to add a new item/row in a table configured in a modal dialog in the home page of the Cosmos portal was not working, and the error "Section 'TestSection' execution error on page 'pyWorkPage' of class 'CosmosApp-Work-TestCaseType'. : For input string: "" appeared. This was a missed use case for pyPortalHarness, and was caused by the primarypage not getting copied to the workprocessing thread which led to some actions failing as classless. This has been resolved.

SR-C72252 · Issue 415224

isAncestorOf function now checks whether a child class is defined in the tenant layer

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.3

After upgrade, the isAncestorOf function was not returning the correct result. Checking the inheritance path for the tenant work class showed the shared layer work class, but after upgrade of the tenant layer, the IsAncestorOf function returned false and the functionality that uses isAncestorOf function failed if the parent class was in the shared layer and the child was in the tenant layer. To correct this, the logic has been updated so that rather than always checking in the shared layer, the system will check whether the Descendant class is defined in the tenant first.

INC-210892 · Issue 706288

Handling corrected for CSV formatted output from CDH

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

After upgrade, the Output Templates with File output (.csv file extension, comma delimiter) for Customer Decision Hub did not work as expected. Creating an Output Template for use in an action flow with defined fields containing commas for output previously resulted in the individual fields containing commas being enclosed in double quotes, but the output after upgrade instead was enclosing each of the comma-delimited fields in quotes, causing an issue with the original format of the data. This has been corrected.

INC-213625 · Issue 712298

Corrected null values being set to 0 in GenerateExcel

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The pxGenerateExcelFile activity was loading $0.00 in place of a null value for decimal columns. This has been resolved by updating the logic for to skip double properties default value for non-existent clipboard props and extend the same fix to the integer class. Safety checks have been added before setting cell type to check if property exists, and handling has been added for a specific exception instead of generic exception for both decimal and integer use cases.

INC-225503 · Issue 737019

DSS added to configure outflow signature digest method algorithm

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

After update, a change was seen in the digest method of a SOAP response. The site was configured to use WS-Security Profile SHA-1 as the digest algorithm, but the warning from the testing tool WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) indicated this was not being followed with the message "the algorithm 'xmlenc#sha256' is not accepted for operation 'Digest'". For better compatibility, the DSS outflowSignatureDigestAlgorithm has been added to support configuring the outflow signature digest method algorithm.

INC-144917 · Issue 598201

Healthcheck will only initialize after successful node startup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Nodes were not starting up, but because the Healthcheck service was initialized even though the node was not started properly, errors related to that were overriding the actual exception causing the node startup to fail and it was not possible to diagnose the startup issue. To resolve this, an update has been made that will ensure the Healthcheck service is only initialized when the node is initialized successfully.

INC-208516 · Issue 705098

Patchdate values made unique

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The hotfix manager was incorrectly indicating that a previous hotfix was not installed or was partially installed and should be reinstated. This scenario was created during security updates where the missing/incomplete hotfix had been deliberately deleted from the database, and has been resolved by adding an update which will force patchdate to be unique when adding duplicate code resources during tests.

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