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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-224299 · Issue 736466

CaseTypeClass property created in @baseclass for better upgrade compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When trying to use page-validate on pyWorkPage the error "The page contains an undefined property: pyWorkPage.pyAddableWorkList(1).caseTypeClass\nValidation failed: Errors Detected" was generated. This was traced to the difference in handling for old casetypes from earlier versions of Pega, and has been resolved by creating the caseTypeClass property in @baseclass.

INC-218463 · Issue 726502

Common TransformerFactory method added for greater compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

In Service-SOAP, mapping request headers and parameters to the clipboard (instead of mapping to a Parse XML rule) resulted in blank values on the primary page of the service activity when using the IBM WebSphere Liberty app server. In this case, instantiating the JAXP TransformerFactory object using the parameter resulted in a transformer that serialized the XML to an empty string instead of the correct XML. To resolve this, an update has been made to make a common TransformerFactory method to ensure IBM JDK in WAS deployments function as expected.

INC-207210 · Issue 704137

Empty check added to OpenRuleAdvanced

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

A blank screen was displayed when attempting to open a requirement set rule in Dev Studio. This was a missed use case while updating the OpenRuleAdvanced control to handle BAC compatibility, and has been resolved by adding an empty check in addition to the existing null check along with an 'if' condition to check for pyActivity input.

INC-227714 · Issue 730395

Empty check added to OpenRuleAdvanced

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

A blank screen was displayed when attempting to open a requirement set rule in Dev Studio. This was a missed use case while updating the OpenRuleAdvanced control to handle BAC compatibility, and has been resolved by adding an empty check in addition to the existing null check along with an 'if' condition to check for pyActivity input.

SR-C76202 · Issue 421391

Updated CSS selector to ensure all buttons are visible during data flow

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.3

The restart/refresh buttons were not visible when running the data flow, and if some records were processed, they were not displayed in the result window. This was traced to the test selector not being accessible for all the access groups, preventing the progress page from being refreshed. The system has been updated to use a normal CSS selector to resolve this issues.

INC-213308 · Issue 712076

Fallback added for missing fileName in MultipartHTTPResponse

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Given a multipart/form-data response with multiple attachments, when there was no explicit fileName header provided for a body part, the engine skipped processing the part and no data was present on pyRequestAttachmentPage. This has been resolved by adding a fallback in HTTPClientUtils#handleMultipartHTTPResponse() so that if no fileName is present, the 'name' parameter of the Content-Disposition header field will be used.

INC-227819 · Issue 735349

Improved browser compatibility for ContentDisposition header

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When files were downloaded from a Sharepoint repository by clicking on the link, the filename was appended by a unique case instance ID or a sequence number to avoid duplicates. This caused a workflow disruption due to the reupload considering the file to be new rather than updated. This was traced to an issue with the usage of the ContentDisposition header which should have set the default file name: as created, the method was not compatible with Google Chrome on Microsoft Windows and was ignored. This has been corrected by updating the ContentDisposition header to set the default file name correctly when using supported browsers.

INC-228060 · Issue 741140

Added control for displaying Ajax popup alert for optimized iOS table

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When using an application on iOS with a section that contained at least 3 tables with 'optimize code allow' set to true, refreshing caused the error "AJAX request failed. Reason: communication failure" to be displayed. When a refresh is triggered, ongoing AJAX requests are cancelled, and the WebKit (OS provided) behavior is to display the "AJAX request failed" alert. To control this behavior, a check has been added for the flag pega.u.d.showAjaxFailureMessageMobile when displaying the alert popup. The default behavior is set to false and will not show the alert. To display the alert, set pega.u.d.showAjaxFailureMessageMobile = true in userworkform. The additional fieldValue "AJAX request failed" of type pyMessageLabel is created to allow configuring a custom message.

SR-C74151 · Issue 412493

Made mobile file attachment sync more robust for low bandwidth situation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.3

When using the iOS Mobile Offline application with 'make attachments available offline' checked, low bandwidth on the network could cause the attachment sync to fail and cause the queue to get stuck. To prevent that, rather than return a Socket Timeout the system will return an error code that will cause the file upload to continue instead of rejecting it.

INC-220137 · Issue 721896

UpdateDateTime casing corrected in filters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When using Job Scheduler with MS/SQL, the error "Cannot find either column 'mktdata' or the user-defined function or aggregate 'mktdata.pr_read_from_stream', or the name is ambiguous." This was traced to a casing issue and has been resolved by updating the pxupdatedatetime property to pxUpdateDateTime in Filters F1 and F2.

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