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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-213247 · Issue 708870

Title attribute added for disabled icons

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

The disabled icon control in non-template mode used the tempTitle attribute instead of title, interfering with accessibility because no information was available to screen readers. This has been resolved by adding the aria-disabled attribute to the disabled icon control.

INC-211726 · Issue 705071

Parameter logic updated for metrics activity counter

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

An error was causing the PushCDHMetrics agent to fail. This was traced to an undefined parameter in the activity which was used as a counter, and has been resolved by replacing it with a local variable of type integer. In addition, an agent has been added to support publishing the model metrics.

SR-C83050 · Issue 422978

IE width calculation fixed for imported built-on with dymanic layout

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

After upgrade, the Built On input for the application screen in Designer Studio was not rendering in the Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 browser if dynamic layout was used. This was caused by a browser-specific issue with width calculation for pzDefinition, and code has been added to handle this issue.

SR-C95232 · Issue 432328

Removed extranous tick mark on negative numbers in Excel export

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

All negative amounts had an extra ( ‘ ) in front when report definition results were exported to Excel. This was a byproduct of a security update, and has been resolved.

SR-C76412 · Issue 425190

Content type header removed from default inclusion in JWT token to support MS integration

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

In order to integrate Pega with Office365 to use the Outlook API to Send and Get messages, an access token is required as a part of Authentication process. For obtaining an access token from the Azure directory, the process is to follow the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow which requires the generation of a JSON Web Token (JWT) with the required Header, Payload and Signature. However, because Pega adds the tag "cty": "application/json" by default, using the out-of-the-box 'Token Profile' rule to generate the JWT and pass the same in a REST call to Microsoft was resulting in a error response indicating that there was an unsupported token header. This has been resolved by removing the content type header in the JWT token.

SR-C87399 · Issue 426185

pzEditSkills activity updated for better skill matching

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

In the pzEditSkills activity, a select skill is added to the operator. A check is made using a comparison of pyRuleName equal to pySkillLabel to see whether this skill exists in the system; if it exists it is directly added to the operator profile, and if it does not it is created and added to the operator profile. However, pyRuleName uses a short skill identifier string, for example ‘XML’ whereas pySkillLabel is the longer human readable string, for example ‘XML programming skill’. Therefore, it was possible for Pega to determine the skill did not exist and proceed to creating a new skill with pyRuleName equal to the pySkillLabel of the existing skill in the first available unlocked ruleset. In order to ensure the proper matches are made, the pzEditSkills activity step 4.1 has been modified to get the rule name instead of skill name.

INC-212623 · Issue 709549

HTML attachments conditionally shown in email listener cases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

When Rich text/html (non-plain text) emails were ingested in email, the original mail was not getting added to the case. Investigation showed that the pzCreateTriageWork activity had an explicit delete step to remove any attachment that started with 'email-content'. Since the HTML attachment name starts with 'email-content', it was deleted in above activity. This has been resolved by adding a when rule named 'pyLinkEmailTriageContentHTML' which will conditionally show email-content.html.

SR-C64192 · Issue 415847

Activity Run allows autocomplete control for data transform

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

An enhancement has been added to allow changing the control from Dropdown to Autocomplete when an activity is Run and the "apply data transform" checkbox is checked.

SR-C86822 · Issue 424717

50 count limitation removed from application list export

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

Previously, using Designer Studio -> Application -> Distribution -> Export to export the list of applications limited the results to 50. This number was hardcoded in the page size count setting for the Report Definition. In order to better support complex installations, this limit has been lifted.

SR-C96760 · Issue 433394

Resolved system performance issues for clusters of >15 DF nodes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

The introduction of distributed event logging used to facilitate data flow troubleshooting in Pega 8.1 created a negative impact on performance for extremely large clusters (>15 DF nodes). To resolve this, the distributed logs have been removed and the system will save events in the database instead.

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