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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-D32525 · Issue 505467

Dirty check added to offer save/discard changes when closing tab

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.4

With the OOTB section enabled, performing a change in the form (changing a text value, selecting a option in a dropdown, etc.) and closing the case generated an unexpected alert indicating that the case was changed and the modifications were lost. This differs from the previous behavior of showing the section pyDirtyCheckConfirm which offered the opportunity to save the work. This was a missed use case and has been resolved by updating the system to perform a check for the dirty state when closing the interaction and show a modal dialog asking the user to choose either save/discard if dirty.

SR-D17825 · Issue 494703

PreSaveAs updated to set the correct ruleset value when saved into a different ruleset

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When using a BIX Extract rule already configured with properties and filter criteria, attempting to update the filter criteria system resulted in an "invalid property error" and inability to save the updated rule. This was traced to the extract rule being created from another extract rule with 'save as', resulting in the new extract existing in a different ruleset. Because the pxBixReportPage.pyRuleset had the value of the original ruleset instead of rule set in which it had been saved, the system was attempting to find the filter properties in the original ruleset. To resolve this, the Presaveas activity in rule-admin-extract has been modified to check and set the correct value when both the rulesets are not equal.

SR-D20423 · Issue 503444

Improved upgrade handling for tables using classes with property references

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.4

After upgrade, some page property values were blank and exposed database columns did not contain the values. Investigation showed that the reference properties did not have context and hence column population was not able to determine their value. To resolve this, instead of doing column population for all the columns, the system will identify classes that have property references and that are being optimized as part of upgrade process and maintain a list of specific columns to update.

INC-211248 · Issue 713157

Survey navigation type set for use with complex CB refresh

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

After upgrade from Pega 7.1 to Pega 8.5, creating a legacy survey used in pxSurveySection with a complex CB question page that contained a refresh option had collapsed tree navigation, the survey name was blank, and duplicate labels were found in picklist questions. To resolve this, an update has been added which will set the navigation type in parameters after a complex CB refresh and skip page copy while upgrading survey work objects.

INC-220893 · Issue 728488

Errors persisted for single case runs using a custom error handler

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Single case processing (SingleAccountData) had failed records when opening the SubscriptionData dataset, but it was not possible to see the failed record details for further investigation. Investigation showed that when running a single case run with a custom error handler, errors were persisted as part of the dataflow metrics, but not written to the database. To resolve this, an update has been made to ensure errors are persisted for single case runs configured using a custom error handler.

SR-D14630 · Issue 491166

Thread label clipboard issue resolved for work objects using skipDCDataModelUpdation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

In some cases, when a case ID was opened in Designer studio, its corresponding thread name in clipboard was pxThreadName instead of caseID or workID. Tab labels are handled through the Declare_pyDisplay data page. Investigation showed the child page pyDisplay(Developer) of the parent page Declare_pyDisplay, which was expected to contain pyUIElements for each tab, was missing an element for the tab whose label was shown as threadName. As this error was only reproducible for work objects with the 'skipDCDataModelUpdation' property set as true in the 'pyWorkPage', this issue has been corrected by updating the show-harness activity step-2 so the 'skipDCDataModelUpdation' property value is explicitly copied from primarypage ('pyWorkPage' in this use case) to 'parameterPage'. In addition, an issue with filtering records based on Operator Preferences has been resolved by updating ActivityStatusContentHandler to use a simple Show-HTML of the same "ActivityStatusSuccess" content instead of going through an unnecessary harness execution during activity when there is no session established.

SR-D16540 · Issue 489183

Removed duplicate error message seen when opening a case owned by another

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

Duplicate error messages appeared when opening a case assigned to another operator. This was traced to there being two different sections that each would call the error message, pyNoIDMain or pyNoIDHeader, and this has been corrected by removing the error section from pyNoIDMain.

INC-224954 · Issue 727045

Enabled turning off general metrics when queue processing metrics are disabled

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

A memory leak related to QPGeneralMetrics was consuming heap and causing performance issues. Investigation showed queue processor metrics were gathered even when disabled. To resolve this, turning off "General Metrics Handler" while turning off the QPGeneralMetrics has been enabled. Queue processors should now skip the process of collecting general metrics while running activities. This will prevent storing unused (and uncleared) metrics in memory and prevent heap exhaustion.

INC-218001 · Issue 719920

Error text revised for parameterized data page used for token generation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

While trying to add a claim in the header of a Token Generation Profile instance, selecting Map From as "Clipboard" and trying to give any DataPage(parameterized) as the source property failed to be saved and the error "JWS Alias— Please provide correct algorithm key with correct key length." appeared. Changing the "Map From" to a Constant and giving a dummy value worked as expected. Tracer showed the error "declare page parameters not supported by PropertyReference", indicating the actual issue: at this time, the Token profile does not support using a parameterized data page. This has been addressed by ensuring an appropriate error message is shown on save of the token profile rule form when a parameterized data page reference is configured. The error will now read "The reference D_pzPreferenceStore[PreferenceOperatorID:"[email protected]"].pxObjClass is not valid. Reason: Parameterized data page reference is not supported." Support for a parameterized data page used with Map From will be taken as an enhancement for a future release.

INC-173886 · Issue 664142

SSLContext created using protocol from REST connector rule form

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After upgrading to IBM websphere v9.0.5.6 or higher, API calls Like REST, Connect-HTTP etc were failing to connect to endpoints using TLSv1.2. Investigation showed that although the connector was configured to send TLSv1.2, the ClientHello handshake was triggered for TLSv1.3. Because the SSLContext was created with highest version supported by protocol in the WAS container, this has been resolved by modifying the code to create SSLContext based on the the protocol selected in the REST connector rule form. Additionally, please note that the Connect-HTTP connector has been deprecated and the Connect-REST capabilities in the platform should be used instead.

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