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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-184155 · Issue 673072

Entity Detection prefers first detected entity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Entity detection shown in the "Training data" tab of the email channel did not match with the results of running the corresponding text analyzer rule. This occurred when a single piece of text was detected as multiple entity values, which led to the last entity detected being picked for case mapping because of the unclear scenario of duplicate entities. To resolve this, pxmapresponseentities has been updated to prefer the first detected entity.

INC-184834 · Issue 669458

Channel copy text analyzer detection updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

The error message "No unlocked Ruleset versions are available. Please add or unlock a ruleset to create a new channel." was displayed when trying to save a new interface. This was traced to the system copying the channel to incorrect classes/names due to detecting an incorrect type of text analyzer and copying the wrong rules. To resolve this, the method of detecting the text analyzer type on channel copy has been updated.

INC-176173 · Issue 654726

Re-indexing correctly triggers old index deletion

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

There was no request to delete the old index when a new reindexing process was started, resulting in the new data being put into the already existing index. This was traced to a logic flaw which evaluated a condition as false under certain conditions. This 'If' condition has been fixed and simplified so the process responsible for recreating the ElasticSearch index is accessible for the scenario of reindexing an entire index without specifying include or exclude classes.

INC-178663 · Issue 659805

Updated handling for batch indexing cancellation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Entries were seen in the pyBatchindex QP even when indexing was not in progress. Investigation showed that if an exception occurred during the cancel process, the pyStatusWork property in Log-Cluster-FTSIndex instance was not correctly updated and the value remained as CancelInProgress. As a result, SLP silently remained in the state of waiting for the completion of cancel operation. This has been resolved by updating the handling of the cancellation process to ensure the queue is correctly cleared and email notifications are sent as expected.

INC-186782 · Issue 674952

Re-indexing correctly triggers old index deletion

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

There was no request to delete the old index when a new reindexing process was started, resulting in the new data being put into the already existing index. This was traced to a logic flaw which evaluated a condition as false under certain conditions. This 'If' condition has been fixed and simplified so the process responsible for recreating the ElasticSearch index is accessible for the scenario of reindexing an entire index without specifying include or exclude classes.

INC-217159 · Issue 721071

German locale preserves semicolon as CSV separator

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When manually importing CSV files in the German locale which has special characters, special date format and the semicolon as a separator, the staging environment worked as usual and separated the imported records, but attempting to import the same CSV file to the staging clone did not split the records into the separated fields. This was traced to the pzGetLocaleListSeparator decision table returning a comma for the separator instead of semicolon for the de_DE locale, and has been corrected.

SR-D37115 · Issue 515840

Onclick handler updated to resolve RD UI issue

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

After modifying the function logic in Report Definition, reopening it in the configuration modal dialogue displayed the function multiple times and it was not possible to open/edit the function. This issue was cosmetic and related to the UI representation of functions: the underlying clipboard page had the correct details regarding the custom logic and functioned as expected. Investigation showed the UI error was related to the onclick handler, and this has been resolved so the system correctly removes the onclick handler when required.

SR-D26010 · Issue 500166

Modified VBD insertion logic to improve handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

An issue with not being able to launch an additional VDB node was traced to two processes inserting into VBD with different field signatures and triggering unnecessary object creation. This was amplified when adding a second node as the objects were serialized. To resolve this, the insertion logic has been modified to avoid creating new data container/field descriptors after a new field is included, as well as a measurement with smaller data type than previous container.

SR-D53933 · Issue 525601

Modified VBD insertion logic to improve handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

An issue with not being able to launch an additional VDB node was traced to two processes inserting into VBD with different field signatures and triggering unnecessary object creation. This was amplified when adding a second node as the objects were serialized. To resolve this, the insertion logic has been modified to avoid creating new data container/field descriptors after a new field is included, as well as a measurement with smaller data type than previous container.

INC-174661 · Issue 678822

Handling added for clearing node killed between assignment and processing

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

An Offer flow was not resuming after it expired according to the wait shape. Investigation traced this to partitions which were assigned to a dead node in NEW state where they were not picked up by the dataflow. The problem was only encountered in the unusual situation when a dataflow node was killed in the brief period of time between the assignment and the processing, and has been resolved by adding an update which will clear unknown new assigned partitions for the batch run health task.

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